A Complete Tutorial on Automated Device Testing

A Complete Tutorial on Automated Device Testing

Automated device testing is a great way to ensure that your software works on a variety of devices and environments. This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up automated device testing for your Node.js application using Selenium, Puppeteer, and CasperJS. Automated device testing is a common practice in the software development industry. It can be used to make sure that the application you’re building works on all of your target devices and operating systems.

Automated device testing is often used in conjunction with automated functional testing, which is an excellent way to ensure that your application performs as intended.

Automated device testing is ideal if you want to make sure your application works across multiple operating systems and browsers—whether you’re developing for Android phones or tablets, iPhones, iPads, or desktop computers running Windows or MacOS (or even Linux!).

If you’re looking for a way to automate your device testing, this tutorial is for you. In it, we’ll go over how to set up a basic automation system that uses Selenium WebDriver and Appium. This will allow you to test any web application on any device, which is super helpful if you want to make sure your app works across the board.

What is Device Testing for Software applications?

Software device testing is the process of testing software to ensure it will function as expected on a device. In order to do this, you must determine how your software will interact with hardware and how it will be used in a real-world setting. This testing can help you identify any potential problems before they arise in the field, so you can make changes before the product is rolled out. For example, if you’re working with a team that uses Android devices and also have an Apple user in the group, you’ll want to make sure that your app works well on both platforms.

The benefits of device testing are clear: it ensures that your product is compatible with all the different kinds of machines out there, which makes it more likely to be used by more people and thus more valuable to you and your business.

Device testing for software is one of the most important steps in the development process. In order for an app to be truly successful and marketable, it must work on all these different platforms. Otherwise, you risk losing potential customers who might have otherwise downloaded your app if they had known it would work on their phone. 

It’s also one of the most overlooked, which is unfortunate because it can cause some major problems down the line.

Device testing for software is a way to make sure that your product works on all devices and platforms, so you don’t end up with any nasty surprises when you launch it into the wild.

What is Automated Device Testing? 

Automated device testing is a process that involves the use of a software tool to perform tests on a device or app. The process may be performed manually, but is typically automated, which means that it’s done without human intervention. Automated device testing is a type of software testing used to verify that an application or system behaves as expected. Automated device testing can be performed on both physical devices and virtual machines (VMs).

In this article, we’ll explain what automated device testing is; why it’s important to test on real devices, and how to get started with automated device testing.

Automated device testing is a process in which software tests are performed on hardware devices. This can include anything from phones and tablets to smart TVs, cars, and even drones. Automated device testing allows for a much faster and more efficient way of testing than manual testing.

Automated device testing works by using virtual machines (VMs) to run the tests on virtual machines that have been created from images of the devices being tested. The VM images are made up of all the software and settings needed to test each device; as well as its own unique set of characteristics—such as operating system version or memory size;—so that they can be used for any type of device without having to manually configure them every time.

The VMs are then used to run tests against real-world scenarios that an end user might encounter with their device. These scenarios could include how well the camera works when taking pictures at night; or how long it takes for an app to open after pressing the power button on a smartphone.

Primary Goals of Automated Device Testing

Automated device testing is a method of testing software. It uses computer programs to perform tests on the software, instead of human testers.

This process was developed with the goal of reducing costs and improving efficiency by streamlining the process of software testing.

The main goal of automated device testing is to ensure that all features work correctly on all devices. The most common types of automated device testing are:

– Integration Testing: This type of testing ensures that all modules interact properly with each other. It also ensures that each module has its own set of tests.

– Regression Testing: Regression tests verify that bugs have been fixed and new features do not break existing functionality.

– Performance Testing: Performance testing helps developers identify areas where performance can be improved through code optimization or hardware upgrades (for example).

Automated device testing can be used for any number of purposes, including:

-checking whether an application works properly with different devices and operating systems

-verifying that an app functions as expected in all environments

-identifying bugs before they’re released to the public

– Get fast feedback on how your app is running outside of the lab environment.

– Catch bugs and errors that might have slipped through the cracks during manual testing.

– Provide more comprehensive coverage of your app than manual testing—because you can run automated scripts repeatedly without interruption; which means you’ll catch more issues than if you had to wait for someone to be available for manual testing each time.

Advantages of Automated Device Testing over Manual Testing

Automated device testing has several advantages over manual testing:

It’s faster:

Automated tests can run repeatedly and automatically, without human intervention. This means it’s possible to run more tests in a shorter time than manual testers can manage.

It’s more consistent:

Manual testing requires a human to perform each test, and humans are prone to error. Automated testing doesn’t suffer from this problem since computers are less prone to making mistakes (as long as they’re programmed correctly).

It detects errors earlier:

Automatic device testing can detect errors at an earlier stage in development than manual testing does—which means it’s easier and cheaper to fix problems before they become big issues later on in development cycles!

Increased efficiency:

Automation can used to perform the same test thousands of times in a single day; which means you can get more work done in less time with fewer resources.

Less cost:

Automation requires less time and money than manual testing because it doesn’t require people to be paid or trained specifically for your project. It also eliminates the need for testers to learn new skills (like coding) in order to use automation tools; they simply need to know how to use the tool itself.

Better results:

Since machines don’t get tired or distracted easily like humans do; they’re capable of completing tasks quickly and accurately every time. This means your product will undergo rigorous testing without any errors that might have occurred had humans performed those tests instead!

An obvious benefit is that automated device testing cuts down on the time it takes to test devices. Manual testing can take days or weeks, depending on how many devices you’re trying to test and how quickly you can get them through your process. Automated device testing can do the same work in just hours; giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Automated device testing can used for both functional and non-functional testing. It can also implemented for regression testing; which means that you will always know what has changed since your last release. This ensures that your application continues to work well with each version.

Another benefit is that automated device testing allows you to test a wider variety of devices than would be possible with manual testing. You’d need a human being for each different type of phone, tablet, laptop; etc., but with automated device testing all those can tested at once. So if you have one hundred different types of phones available for purchase; for example, you could test all one hundred of them at once instead of having a person test each one individually. 

Finally: automation saves money! If someone needs to sit there and manually click through every single step on every single phone (or computer or whatever); that’s going to cost money—and it’s also going to take up their time during which they could be doing other things for your company (like marketing).

How to perform Automated Device Testing?

Device testing, automation, and manual testing are all part of a complete mobile QA process. Each part has its place, and each is important. In this post, we will walk through the steps for performing automated device testing on your app or website.

The first step in performing automated device testing is to create a script that identifies all of the tests that need to be performed. A test could be anything from clicking on buttons or menus in an application to entering data into fields. The key is that you want to identify all of the possible ways that a user might interact with your application; so that you can automate those interactions in your script.

Once you’ve identified all of the possible interactions, you’ll need to decide how you want them automated. It’s easiest if you can set up your automation tool so that it can run on its own without needing any human intervention, but if this isn’t possible (or even if it is), then at least make sure that your script will prompt users when they need human input and when they don’t.

After running through each test in your script; check for errors and see whether any changes occurred as a result of performing those tests. If there were any errors or changes, go back over everything again until everything looks good enough for deployment on actual devices!

Step 1: Download the test automation tool

You’ll need to download a test automation tool to perform automated device testing. There are several different tools available; but we’ve found that LambdaTest provides the best results for most applications; and comes with many other benefits (such as access to a wide variety of mobile devices).

When you first sign up for LambdaTest, you’ll create an account and then upload your app or website for testing. Next, your test will uploaded onto their cloud platform; where it can accessed by all of their testers at no additional cost! – write about LT

What is LambdaTest?

LambdaTest is an automated cross-browser testing platform that provides a flexible and secure space on the cloud to perform both exploratory and automated testing across 3000+ different browsers, real devices, and operating systems. It also provides online Android emulators and iOS simulators for virtual device testing.

Its extensively used by QA teams, developers, and testers worldwide to test their web; mobile and IoT apps and debug and test web applications using a prebuilt library of popular testing frameworks including but not limited to Selenium, Cypress, Appium, etc. 

Step 2: Prepare your test environment

Once you’ve uploaded your test onto their platform; it’s time to prepare your environment so that it’s ready when testers begin using it! This includes setting up any necessary certificates or profiles on your device so that they don’t get blocked during testing by security settings such as those found in corporate environments or schools where students aren’t allowed access outside websites

When should you test your website on various devices and why?

The answer to that question is that it depends. If you’re a company with a single product and a small team; testing your website on various devices might not be worth the time or effort. But if you’re involved in e-commerce or some other type of business where customer experience is paramount and where customer support is based on direct interactions with your customers, then yes—definitely test your website on various devices.

You should test your website on various devices before you publish it to the world. Testing on real devices is the only way to know for sure how your site looks and functions. You may have created an amazing site, but if it doesn’t work well on every device; then you’ll need to go back to the drawing board.

Testing your website on various devices will help you find issues with your code that might otherwise be overlooked. For example, if a user opens up your site on their phone and sees a message about downloading an app; but then goes back home and tries again on their laptop; they won’t see that message anymore because their browser recognizes it as a desktop device. If this happens often enough it could lead to fewer downloads which means less revenue for your business.

There are a few reasons why this is important:

  • Your customers will be disappointed if they can’t use the features of their device because they’re not supported by your site. This could lead to poor reviews, bad word-of-mouth advertising, and ultimately less sales for you.
  • You don’t want to alienate potential customers by forcing them to use an experience that’s less than optimal because they’re using an older or less popular device (or operating system). You want everyone who visits your site to feel like they can use it without feeling frustrated or bored with the experience.
  • Also, You can ensure that your website is accessible to all users; regardless of whether they’re using a desktop computer or a mobile device.
  • You can improve the user experience by making sure that your website looks great on all devices.
  • You can get a better sense of how people use your site; which will help you identify any issues with navigation or content.


You should test your site on different devices at various stages of development; when you’re designing it when you’re writing code for it (for example; use an emulator to test how well your app works on different operating systems); and before you release it to the public.

Author Bio: Vixit Raj is Product Growth and Communication Specialist in LambdaTest : The Cross Browser Web App Testing Platform. He is an E&C engineering graduate and in the digital marketing domain for the last 5+ years. He always tries to stay updated with the latest advancements in technology, product growth, software testing and coding. 

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