Categories: Health

10 Most Common Blood Pressure Myths

High blood pressure is a serious problem and it can create serious problems. You live a healthy lifestyle if you maintain your blood pressure and your body is functioning properly. Any notice of the change in blood pressure signifies that you are not properly taking care of your health. Both high and low blood pressure are not good for your health because they can cause harm to you and put your life at risk.

Although blood pressure is an important issue, people have created different myths about it that can put your life in danger. That is why it is necessary to maintain the Blood Pressure Norms and save your health from being affected. Many of you might know the blood pressure symptoms but do not care about them. On the other hand, many people take serious care of their blood pressure problems. Let’s read about some of the most common blood pressure myths people have created around them.

Most Common Blood Pressure Myths and Their Facts

Below are the most common blood pressure myths and facts you must know about.

Myth 1: High Blood Pressure Has Obvious Signs

Fact: Sometimes high blood pressure shows no symptoms because they are not always obvious. That is why many people think that it does not have any symptoms. Still, you may experience various symptoms when your blood pressure is extremely high. The problem of high blood pressure causes long-term damage in your arteries, doesn’t matter if you experience any signs or not. Sleeping for less time and high levels of stress increase blood pressure.

Myth 2: Wine Is Good for Health. That Is Why I Use It as Much as I Can

Fact: Red wine is good for the heart if you take it in moderation, as it helps to keep the heart healthy. Certain substances and the alcohol used in red wine are known as the antioxidants that help to avoid coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attack, but the excess of everything is bad. If you use red wine heavily and regularly at an excessive limit, the chances of high blood pressure increase, which can further lead to cancer, obesity, and many heart problems. A particular limit to drinking red wine or alcohol per day should not exceed one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Myth 3: Nothing Can Be Done About High Blood Pressure Because It Runs in The Family

Fact: It is a fact that you sometimes cannot do anything about blood pressure as it runs in your family, but it doesn’t mean you cannot prevent it. You can also develop or experience high blood pressure. It is common in your family or your parents to have this problem, but it can be prevented by adopting healthy habits and maintaining a proper lifestyle. Try to eat healthy food, eat less salt, and exercise or meditate to avoid hypertension.It is a blood pressure myth that nothing can be done about high blood pressure because it’s a family problem.

Myth 4: High Blood Pressure Is Not a Serious Problem

Fact: The people who think that the problem of high blood pressure is not serious are putting their lives at risk because high blood pressure can be a serious health problem that can lead to further heart damage, including heart attack, stroke, vision loss, kidney disease, and many other diseases if not treated on time. There are multiple ways through which high blood pressure can cause damage. The increased pressure on the arteries can damage the vessels and make them less elastic, resulting in a reduced amount of oxygen and blood reaching to the heart.

Myth 5: Hypertension Is Inevitable with Age

Fact: It is wrong that hypertension is inevitable with age, as it can be prevented with the help of appropriate, meaningful steps. Although it commonly affects older adults, adopting a proper lifestyle and healthy habits can help prevent heart problems. The most common precautions you can take to avoid the issues of high blood pressure with growing age include less salt intake in your diet, quitting smoking, exercising daily, limiting the intake of alcohol, dealing with stress, and eating healthy food.

Myth 6: Young People Cannot Have High Blood Pressure

Fact: The myth that young people cannot have the problem of high blood pressure is wrong because blood pressure is also common in young people. A CDC study found that one young in 25 is the victim of hypertension from 12 to 19. Every 10 children has the problem of prehypertension. And the most common symptom of hypertension and prehypertension in children is obesity. You can have high blood pressure at any age, and the risks of this problem increase over time. That is why thinking young people cannot have high blood pressure is false.

Myth 7: Stop Taking Medicines If Your Blood Pressure Is Under 140/90

Fact: You should not stop taking medicines suddenly if your blood pressure exceeds 140/90 as it is a blood pressure myth that you should stop taking medicines if blood pressure is under control. Quitting medication without the prescription of a doctor can cause further problems. You can reduce the dose of high blood pressure medicine but use at least one daily for the rest of your life because it will help maintain your blood pressure norms. Medicines keep the level of blood pressure under control, but the stoppage of medication can cause the blood pressure to again.

Myth 8: Do Not Take High Blood Pressure Medications Because They Cause Side Effects

Fact: Blood pressure medication can indeed cause side effects, but it is not good to avoid taking medications. Stop taking the medicines once the blood pressure becomes normal is a blood pressure  myth. Untreated hypertension causes more impact on health as compared to the side effects of high blood pressure medications. Not every medicine causes side effects, as many medicines are safe, reliable, and treat hypertension. The doctor prescribes the other medicine if the previous one causes any side effects.

Myth 9: Reducing The Intake of Salt Can Cure Hypertension

Fact: Less intake of salt is good for health, but it doesn’t work if you only reduce or stop taking salt in your diet but do not stop the other dangerous habits such as drinking and smoking too much alcohol, being stressed all the time is not eating the healthy food. So cutting salt from your food is not the only treatment to cure your high blood pressure. You must adopt all the healthy habits and maintain an appropriate lifestyle to fight against this problem.

Myth 10: It’s Okay If You Do Not Check Your Blood Pressure Daily

Fact: Not checking your blood pressure daily is normal because it does not cause any harm is one of the most common blood pressure myths. Your health might be at risk if you do not monitor your blood pressure daily, so you must check it daily because it keeps you aware of your blood pressure levels. The doctors also prescribe making a chart of blood pressure readings to give you the appropriate medication.

Final Words

High blood pressure is common, but it can be serious if you do not treat it timely and do not take suitable medication for it. Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food are also helpful in fighting against the problem of high blood pressure. Many people believe in the blood pressure myths mentioned above, but It is suggested not to consider any of them and try to manage your blood pressure levels differently. It will keep your heart healthy and give you a prolonged life.

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