Categories: Business

Do’s and Don’ts of Reference Checks and Employment Verifications

Most employers require reference checks and employment verifications as part of the hiring process. Reference checks help employers to verify the information on your resume, and they also provide an opportunity for your potential employer to learn more about your work style and skills. Employment verifications help employers to confirm your dates of employment and job title. ADP verification of employment is a service that helps employers to verify your employment history with your current or previous employer. ADP will provide a detailed report that includes your dates of employment, job title, and salary information. This service is often used by employers as part of the background check process. When you provide ADP with your consent, they will contact your current or previous employer to verify your employment history. ADP will not release any confidential or personal information about you without your consent.

Do’s and Don’ts of Reference Checks and Employment Verifications

Checking references is a crucial part of the hiring process. Also, It allows employers to confirm a job candidate’s qualifications and to get a sense of their work style and fit for the company. But there are right and wrong ways to go about checking references. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.


  • Make sure you have the job candidate’s permission to check their references.
  • Ask specific, behavioral questions about the job candidate’s skills, experience, and work style.
  • Verify that the reference is familiar with the job candidate and their work.
  • Check references for all job candidates, not just your top choice.
  • Follow up with references after speaking with them.


  • Don’t rely solely on reference checks – use them as one piece of information in your decision-making process.
  • Also, Don’t ask personal questions about the job candidate, such as their age, marital status, or religious beliefs.
  • Don’t speak to anyone other than the designated reference contact.
  • Don’t make a hiring decision based on a single reference check.
When used correctly, reference checks can be a valuable tool in the hiring process. Also, They can help you confirm a job candidate’s qualifications and get insights into their work style and fit for your company. CVS HR is available to discuss employment opportunities with interested individuals. Our team can help candidates learn more about the company and its culture, as well as provide information on open positions. Just remember to follow best practices when conducting reference checks, and to use them as one piece of information in your overall decision-making process.

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