Face Recognition: Enhancing Security with the Power of Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition technology is revolutionizing the security industry. Face recognition technology for security systems allows security systems to instantly recognize if a person is welcomed or not with a quick facial recognition scan. It’s similar to the same technology you might already use to lock or unlock your phone; but takes this tech to a whole new level by applying it to the world of security. Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting new technology and its security applications; in addition to how similar technology is being used to safeguard against unwanted vehicles.

The Advantages of Facial Recognition

Think about the security system in your average apartment building. Chances are that entrance and entry is either dependent on a security code or an access card. However, both of these security systems are flawed. A dropped access card can easily picked up by a thief to gain access to a building. Similarly, any person walking by is able to see the pin you type into the security pad. With facial recognition technology, it would be virtually impossible for a thief or a trespasser to duplicate your literal face in order to gain entry for nefarious reasons. This technology also minimizes the need for buildings to hire onsite guards; as the security system itself becomes so foolproof that the chances of thieves gaining entry becomes highly minimal.

The Added Security of License Plate Recognition

Similar to how facial recognition software is able to protect the entryway to residential; and commercial properties, ALPR license plate recognition can protect garages and parking structures. These parking structures present the same issues as pedestrian entryways when it comes to devising a security plan; physical access cards and gate remotes easily lost; enabling thieves who find them to gain access to the private property where you store your vehicle. By utilizing license plate recognition technology, parking structures and garages can automize their systems to only open or close for approved vehicles. As this technology progresses, welcomed residents and employees can easily add their invited guests’ license plate numbers to the approved database, eliminating any worry that those invited, such as house sitters or maids, won’t be able to gain entry when they have in fact been invited.

Try It To Believe It

AI technology is revolutionizing just about every industry and the world of security is no exception. This technology can be hugely beneficial for property owners who want to reduce what they spend on onsite guards and instead find more efficient ways to make their properties secure. To learn more about how both face recognition technology and license plate technology can help you to make your property more secure, visit https://www.sentiveillance.com/automatic-license-plate-recognition-algorithm.

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