When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injuries can range in type and severity. You might only have a few scratches and bruises, or you could be doing with major injuries that require urgent medical treatment.

We all know that accidents can happen, and sometimes, these accidents lead to injuries. Personal injuries can range in severity from a few scratches and bruises to major debilitating injuries.

While many injuries can occur from freak accidents that nobody can control or prevent; there are situations where people get injured because of other people’s negligence or error. Even though there are now stringent health and safety regulations that all employers; and business owners need to follow, things can easily slip through the cracks.

Your employer might have forgotten to double-check the machinery in the warehouse or tie down the loose cables that are trailing along the floor. The cleaner might have forgotten to put a wet floor sign down after mopping the office hallway.

When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

The above situations seem minor, but they can cause serious accidents and injuries that may impact people’s lives forever. So, if you’ve recently suffered from an injury in the workplace or a public area; how do you know if you’re in a position to claim?

Below, we’re going to cover some of the many situations in which you might need to hire one of the Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers.

You’ve had a slip or trip

Slips and trips are some of the most common causes of the workplace and public injuries. It only takes a few droplets of water, a frayed carpet; or a wonky step on a staircase to cause you to fall over.

If you’ve tripped or slipped while at work or in a public building, you’ll need to consider whether it was a genuine accident or caused by another person’s negligence. If you tripped over your own feet and took a tumble, you’re probably not going to get any compensation.

However, there are lots of situations that can cause you to slip over and get seriously injured while in public. Uncleaned spillages, lack of proper signposting for wet floors, loose cables and carpet edges; and wonky steps are all common culprits that lead to an increased risk of slip-and-fall incidents.

You should hire a Charlotte, North Carolina personal injury attorney if you believe that your injuries are a result of another person or group of people failing to follow health and safety regulations. You’ll need to gather evidence to prove that your accident was caused by negligence or inadequate safety measures in order to win compensation.

You’ve been in a car accident

Road traffic accidents can happen because of several different things, such as poor driving skills; lack of concentration, fatigue, and rough weather conditions. Sometimes, there unexpected obstacles on the roads that lead to accidents.

Those of you who drive a work vehicle are at an increased risk of road traffic accidents; and associated injuries, but everybody is at risk. If you’ve sustained serious injuries and it was another driver’s fault, you could file a claim against their insurer.

For this, you can either hire a personal injury lawyer or an auto accident lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will work with you and your insurer to create a strong case against the other driver so you can gain compensation for your injuries and trauma.

If your accident occurred in your work vehicle and you believe that it was due to driving an unsafe car or truck, your employer might be to blame.

Your employer has a duty to check every work vehicle regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly. If they fail to do these checks and you end up with injuries as a result of this; you’re in a position to claim against them.

You’ve been injured by a piece of machinery

Working on a construction site, or in a warehouse or factory; you’re at an increased risk of getting injured due to the amount of heavy, tough machinery in your environment.

If you’re using faulty machine that hasn’t been properly tested or you’re using equipment; that you’ve not been adequately trained to use, your employer might be liable for any injuries that you sustain.

Your personal injury lawyer will gather the details of your situation and help you to create a case against the person or people who you feel are responsible for failing to test the machinery or offer training in your workplace.

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