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If you are here in search of a query about how to change group DP in WhatsApp then you are definitely at the right place. You will find many more sites that surely have this answer but by reading this article from here; you can easily understand the procedure and do not have to go somewhere else. Have you ever tried to change a WhatsApp group DP on your phone? Many of us surely did this but not all of us get succeeded due to some reasons. The reason may be different but to overcome this problem; we are here at your service to provide you with the solution to this problem. All you need is to read the given article completely so that you can better understand what we are trying to explain. Click How to Change Group DP in WhatsApp?
Many of you who use WhatsApp must have joined at least one WhatsApp group. Some of you may also be the creator or owner of the groups. Sometimes, when we create a WhatsApp group, we do not focus on the group DP and hence set it on our group. But later we want to change it for some reasons. Many people may get bored with the WhatsApp group DP as time passes. Many people want to change the DP because the other members of the group did not like it very much as you liked it. So for this reason, you need to change your WhatsApp group DP. But now many people do not know this procedure. For your convince, let me tell you that you can change your WhatsApp group DP for as much time as you want. There are no restrictions in changing your WhatsApp Dp of a group. Basically, the group DPs represents the purpose of the group. That’s why you should be careful while selecting the WhatsApp group photo. So if you have been added to a family group on WhatsApp; you should choose a suitable pic that represents an idle family relationship. Same as you should select the best photo in case you are in a WhatsApp group that is created for business purposes only.Steps to Change Group DP in WhatsApp
Now the real problem here is how to change the group DP in WhatsApp. If you do not know this procedure then you will need to carefully read the following steps that will help you to understand this process. Below I have tried to explain to you the procedure of how to change the Group DP in WhatsApp with some simple steps. All you need is to follow the simple steps and apply them as how you are being told here.- First of all, you will need to open your WhatsApp messenger on your device.
- After opening it, choose the group to whom you want to change the DP.
- When you tap on the group, the chat screen will open.
- Now, you will need to tap on the group name that presented at the top of the screen.
- Now, click on the group photo that is recently settled in your group as DP.
- From there you will find four options that you can use to get your new WhatsApp group DP.
- The option will be Camera, Gallery, Emoji & Stickers, and Search Web.
- Now it’s up to you to choose any of the given options to get change your DP of a WhatsApp group.
- If we follow the first option (Camera) then it will open your phone’s camera.
- Now click the photo that you think is suitable as your WhatsApp group DP and apply to it.
- When you select the pic, it will ask you to crop the photo so that it can be settled correctly.
- Depending on your requirement, you can crop the photo as much as you want.
- Now if you choose Gallery, you will taken to your phone’s gallery and from there you will have to select the pic and set it as your group DP.
- If you tap on the Emoji & Stickers option; you will see different emojis and stickers that you can find suitable for your group DP.
- Lastly, when you click on the Search Web option; it will show you the results of images that are relevant to your group name.
- From there, you can find a suitable pic that you think can used as your WhatsApp group DP.