Being in a relationship feels good when the partners can’t help enjoying one another’s company every time possible. However, after reaching certain milestones, the novelty vanishes, the passion weakens, and couples have to face one of its biggest enemies – routine. Routine comes slowly, embracing the couple’s life step-by-step, penetrating into every aspect of the relationship, and finally ruining it. When there is a feeling of getting stuck, it is important to rediscover the flame that brought the partners together and help them walk through this critical period. How to dust off the relationship and make it fulfilling again? Let’s explore together.
Discover the Body Language
What is love? Nobody knows for sure. In fact, people tend to give and accept love differently, which looks exactly like talking different languages. When you feel that you do everything possible to please your partner, yet they seem to be ignorant about all your intentions, there is a high chance they don’t understand your love language. Take time to learn each other’s way to ‘speak love’ and learn how to talk the right one to your partner.
Learn to Communicate
So many things are told and written regarding the topic, yet it is still a serious issue. Communication is the key to understanding each other, it sets the level of trust and openness between the partners, and lets them create invisible bonds of trust; it’s the main emotional connector. When lacking a decent level of communication, the couple is on the way to disaster. Conversation is about being visible and heard. At the dawn of the relationship, there were tons of topics to discover and feelings to discuss; yet, with the flow of time, the talks got down to learning “What’s for dinner”, and “How’s the day?”. Such questions are shallow and automatic; they don’t look into the inner world, don’t let the wounds heal, don’t let the happiness be shared. When there are too many things unspoken, they build unsurmountable walls of silence, with little chance of turning things back to normal. Don’t let the silence ruin your world, make sure you dedicate quality time to your partner, listen to what they are saying, and demonstrate active participation in the talk.
Sexual Life
Sexual life is another building brick of healthy relationships. Apart from just benefiting our psychological and physical well-being, it lets the partners explore their true inner selves. Daily routine, exhaustion, and lack of communication take away the joy of sex, turning it into one of the duties, which is an alarming situation. When facing problems with sexual life, there are numerous things to do to bring things back on the track:
- Explore the fantasies of each other – The partners may have different fetishes and fantasies regarding sex, yet they are afraid to speak them out fearing criticism. Introducing elements of BDSM (like spanking pov, slapping, cuntbust, belly punching, etc), roleplay, specific garment, and other fetishes can level up the sexual experience of the couple, releasing all the hidden dreams and desires.
- Don’t be afraid to experiment – it is easy to find the video tutorials and watch them together. Even the process of watching can turn on the partners, not to mention them performing it.
- Take care of the surroundings – sex tolerates no predictability, therefore, change the surroundings, bring new colors, music, gear, and change the place.
- Do the shopping together – the usage of sex toys is a good way to freshen things up. Do some shopping together and choose what both of you (or more) would like to try.
Sexual life is a heaven of desire and pleasure; its versatility lets the partners enjoy each other through and through. Don’t get stuck with the traditional idea of sex, explore the depth and beauty of the world it offers together.
Non-Intrusive Presence
Being always there for your partner is important, as it creates an invisible fortress of safety. Everyone understands the presence differently – it can be a phone call; a message, a tiny present, or a heated dinner – there are numerous ways to show that you care. However, everything requires moderation. Numerous calls during the day, non-stop messages, location checks; and overprotectiveness will not be taken positively, but rather suffocate your partner mentally. Let freedom into the relationship. Make sure the partner knows you are always available in the moment of need; but don’t intrude into all the daily matters.
Create Rituals
Specific rituals help to create ‘we’ time. It can be a long Sunday breakfast, a Friday outing, a Monday coffee break, evening walks; – anything that seems to be enjoyable for the partners. Such habits bring the partners together and let them enjoy quality time together. Being in a relationship feels good, however, when the initial
desire fades away due to the rhythm of life; it is important to do everything possible to keep the flame alive. Don’t be afraid to change your routine, enrich your sexual experience; explore the inner world of your partner, and let more life into your days. Little strokes fell great oaks; tiny routines devoured the love. Don’t be the ones to prove this sad truth of life.