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Is 5G dangerous for our health? Health Hazards of 5G Technology

Thanks to 5G, we will live in a hyper-connected world. Still, many people are against this new technology, claiming that it is dangerous for our health. We look at the many scientific studies that exist on the subject that Is 5G dangerous. To understand how 5G can affect human beings, the first thing to know is this new technology that promises to change our lives. After 2G, 3G and 4G, the so-called 5G, i.e. the fifth generation of mobile networks is already being implemented.

5G impact on tech, data and lifestyle

For example, thanks to 2G technology came to the revolutionary SMS, which later gave way to 3G and continuous Internet connection. Finally, years later, the famous broadband came into our lives thanks to 4G, and with it, a speed of data never seen before. We can see the benefits of it in non UK casinos. Thanks to that, we can watch videos in streaming, download photos at high resolution very quickly, play songs without waiting for them to download. Of course, nowadays, we are used to all this, but a few years ago, it was unthinkable. With 5G, we will be able to surf 10 times faster than with current fiber optics thanks to the increase of the frequency around 3.5 GHz and even up to a few tens of GHz. In addition, we will have many more devices connected simultaneously: household appliances, urban furniture, cars. Everything! That way, we’ll see more tech, software solutions, video entertainment, and games with non Gamstop potential with the highest quality. The famous “internet of things” will become a reality. Moreover, the network response time makes it possible to connect in real-time without any delay.

Scientific studies on the dangers of 5G

In 2006, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a paper named Electromagnetic fields and public health, which researched a wireless tech impact on health. The report concluded that given the results gathered so far, researchers didn’t collect convincing information that weak radiofrequency signals have led to any health impact. As the WHO explained in a February 2020 study, after much research; scientists didn’t detect health effects related to wireless tech”. Over the last few years, much more research has been processed on 3G, 4G, and, of course, 5G. One of the latest, also published by the WHO in February 2020, explains what 5G is; the risks, the development of the technology, and so on. The WHO is conducting a more detailed health risk assessment of radiofrequency exposure to be finished in 2022.

Is 5G dangerous?

The Scientific Advisory Committee on Radio Frequencies and Health published a report related to the new networks. This document, entitled 5G and health, published in February 2020, stated that “the available research evidence can reassure us”. That document states that we can be sure that radio frequencies within the limits set by ICNIRP carry no known health risks”; following the known research and information gathered. Some lobbies keep fighting to stop all 5G deployment saying there is insufficient and inconclusive research on this new technology. In this regard, RWTH Aachen University has created the EMF portal; a base dedicated specifically to questions of the effects of electromagnetic fields. It contains 25,000+ published papers on health impacts, also 2,500+ papers on mobile communications. It collects some 350 studies on 5G-related themes.

Level 2B carcinogen

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and several groups; such as Ecologistas en Acción, have called to raise controls on implementing these types of advances. In a statement in 2019, their website explained that “the deployment of 5G tech is being done without assessing its potential impact; despite the strong and numerous scientific calls to apply the precautionary principle”. They cited the WHO research declaring technologies as a level 2B carcinogen. But they didn’t cite it in full. The WHO declared wireless tech as ” a level 2B carcinogen, with a low carcinogenic probability, like coffee or aloe vera”. Indeed, there are many types of products that we consume, such as coffee, gherkins, or aloe vera; which are also included in this category according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer.


Group 2 are products classified as probable carcinogens for humans and subdivided into 2A; high carcinogenic probability, and 2B, low carcinogenic probability. Even alcoholic beverages and processed meat are placed at higher risk; according to the same classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. There are still many unknowns to be resolved in the future. Still, so far, the central bodies specializing in the field seem to point to a common conclusion: Is 5G dangerous? 5G is not a health risk.

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