Categories: Lifestyle

Main Principles of Interior Design

Interior design is quite an art. To master it, you need to demonstrate comprehensive skills, which generally concern two areas – aesthetics and functionality. After all, in order to fulfill its function, an apartment or a house must both look beautiful and meet all functional requirements. In short, it must simply be good to live there. Decorative arts, fine arts, technical knowledge, interior architecture; – all these areas contribute to the process of interior decoration and hopefully bring a satisfactory outcome.

What Would Every Interior Designer Advise?

How to create a cozy space in your apartment or house that suits your lifestyle? In fact, every aspect of the space planning influences the atmosphere inside. Starting from lighting, through the arrangement and number of furniture, to details such as decorations placed on the walls. Each of these aspects is important not only in itself, but also in combination with other areas. Therefore, it is important not only that each of the components of the arrangement is functional and pleasing to the eye; but also that it harmonizes with other elements. Check out: https://spacetonest.com/interior-design-and-decor-inspiration/how-to-create-a-cozy-and-inviting-living-space.

What Interior Design Profession Deals with?

Starting with lighting, a cozy effect can be achieved both when we choose large windows; and a light style of the room, and when we choose small shutters and a darker variant. However, for each of these options to work, it must be accompanied by complementary solutions. Large shutters will only bring a beneficial effect if they are complemented with light wall colors or light decorations. The entire space will then give the impression of relaxation and gentleness.

How Interior Designers Would Arrange a Cozy Living Space?

However, you can also achieve a cozy and comforting effect in a darker living space. Dimmed light will go well with slightly more massive dark wood furniture, as well as with vintage decorations. A great place to use this type of solution is an office, isolated from the rest of the apartment, where there should be an atmosphere conducive to concentration. However, it is also important that there are no excess objects in a cozy and comfortable space, regardless of whether it is in a house or an apartment. Of course, there cannot be too few of them, because then they will not fulfill all the necessary functions. However, they cannot be present in excess, otherwise they will completely overwhelm the space and will not provide the desired effect of a sense of comfort.

The Importance of Textures

The effect of a cozy room is not only the result of how the space looks visually, but also how it affects other senses – touch, smell and even hearing. There is no doubt that the textures used in interior design have a great impact on how the room will be perceived. There is no universal rule here, what is important is that the surfaces of furniture and decorations are pleasant to the touch. And since this term is subjective, it includes both smooth and rough, subtle and expressive surfaces.

The Coziness of Scented Candles

When it comes to the smell of a room, it is naturally largely caused by furniture, especially older and wooden ones. If this suits us, we are in a favorable position, but if we would like to change something, we can always use accessories such as scented candles or incense sticks. Moreover, we cannot forget about acoustics. After all, a cozy space is one in which all sounds disperse properly and where, for example, on a cold, windy and rainy day you can play the guitar or play your favorite music album. This significantly increases the coziness of the space in your apartment or house.

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