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5 Facets of Multidimensional Anger Test: A Reliable and Valid Measure of Anger

The multidimensional Anger Test is valid and reliable in measuring anger across different populations, including college students, working adults, and military veterans.


Anger management can help those who struggle with explosive anger, chronic anger, and other issues related to being too angry. There are various tools and exercises available to help assess one’s anger levels and offer solutions to control this emotion. One such tool is the multidimensional anger test (MAT), created by Dr. Judith M Siegel in 1989 as part of her doctoral dissertation.

What is the Multidimensional Anger Test?

The Multidimensional Anger Test (MAT) is a reliable and valid measure of anger. The MAT is valid and reliable in measuring anger across different populations, including college students, working adults, and military veterans. In addition, MAT is a good predictor of angry behavior and satisfaction with life. Therefore, MAT is a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners who want to better understand the anger and its consequences.

What are the Levels of Anger on a Multidimensional Anger Test?

The Multidimensional Anger Test (MAT) is a reliable and valid measure of anger. Anger is typically divided into six dimensions: physical aggression, verbal aggression, emotional reactivity, hostility, psychophysiological arousal, and revenge. The MAT measures each of these dimensions on a five-point scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely). The MAT is valid and reliable across different cultures and age groups.

Why is an Anger Test Useful to Measure?

There are a few benefits to measuring anger. Anger is a common emotion, and it’s important to be able to identify and understand how people feel anger to improve relationships and maintain positive interactions. Additionally, anger can be a motivating factor for change. Knowing someone’s anger level can help you anticipate future reactions and take appropriate steps. Finally, measuring anger provides insight into the underlying causes of problematic behaviors. In short, an anger test can help understand people, motivate change, and prevent problems from escalating. One of the most popular measures of anger is the Multidimensional Anger Scale (MATS). The MATS was designed by Dr. Judith M Siegel. The scale has modified and updated several times, most recently in 2009. The MATS consists of 10 items that measure five dimensions of anger: emotional intensity (e.g., feeling MAT all the time or feeling MAT at some times but not others). Also, hostility (e.g., wanting revenge or resenting someone), physiological arousal (e.g., heart rate or sweating), behavioral activation (e.g., acting on anger), and verbal expression (e.g., using hostile language).

How Do You Use the Multidimensional Anger Test?

The multidimensional anger test (MAT) is a reliable and valid measure of anger. The MAT consists of six subscales:
  • Hostility (H),
  • Aggression (A),
  • Antagonism (A),
  • Resentment (R),
  • Depression (D)
  • Anxiety (A).
The MAT is reliable and valid across different samples and measures of anger. In addition, it is predictive of angry behavior. For example, MAT is predictive of physical aggression in college students.

How Can This Be Used in a Therapy Setting?

The Multidimensional Anger Test (MAT) is a reliable and valid measure of anger. It is effective in identifying individuals who are at risk for developing anger problems, and in predicting anger-related problems such as aggression, hostility, and physical symptoms.

What Is the TikTok Anger Test Called?

The TikTok Anger Test is a popular online test that has been around for several years. The test is simple. People take a video of themselves reacting to a provoking situation and post it on the internet. others then rate the intensity of their reaction on a scale of 1-10. The TikTok Anger Test is a form of online self-measurement. People use the test to help them gauge their level of anger. Many people find the test useful because it can help them figure out when they are angry and what situations trigger them. The negative impact of online self-measurement tends to come from the fact that people don’t understand how to interpret the results. People have a hard time figuring out exactly how accurate or inaccurate their results are. The TikTok Anger Test is typically not dangerous as long as users follow instructions carefully and only take one look at their results before proceeding with their lives. The test is also helpful in determining an individual’s capacity to deal with and control their angry feelings, which is an important aspect of anger management. The Rage Expression Scale, the Coping skills Scale, and the Anger Arousal Scale are the three primary components that make up the multidimensional anger exam.

Anger Expression Scale :

The Anger Expression Scale is a tool that examines an individual’s capability of expressing anger in a way that is healthy and productive. This encompasses both verbal and physical demonstrations of wrath. Furthermore, people who score high on this scale generally can express their anger in a constructive manner that does not make the situation worse or put others in danger. People who score high on this scale often have strong coping skills and can effectively manage their anger. Individuals who score high on this scale also tend to have a positive outlook on life. On the Anger Arousal scale, “easy” refers to an individual’s tendency to become angry quickly. People who score high on this scale tend to be more quickly irritated. They may also have a greater propensity to react angrily when they feel provoked. The anger test is a useful instrument for people who want to measure their level of anger as well as for those who want to learn how to deal with events that cause them to become furious. It can help identify areas in which a person needs to develop to better manage their anger. Additionally, one can use the exam to determine whether or not an individual is likely to develop issues related to rage or aggression in the future. If a person has a high score on the Anger Arousal scale, it may be useful for them to seek the assistance of a professional so that they can learn how to better control their anger and use it to their advantage.

TikTok’s Multidimensional Anger Test: How To Take It?

If you’re like most people, you probably think anger is just one-dimensional. In other words, it’s a feeling that ranges from mild annoyance to full-blown rage. But recent research suggests that anger can take on a whole bunch of different dimensions, each with its own set of associated feelings and behaviors. Take the Multidimensional Anger Test (MAT) developed by TikTok, for example. The app asks users to rate their intensity of six different anger dimensions on a scale from 0 (not angry at all) to 10 (extremely angry). The results can give you a good overview of your emotional angry profile. Here are some tips for taking the MAT:
  1. Set realistic goals. Don’t expect to score perfectly on every question. It’s more about understanding your emotional patterns than aiming for an exact rating. And don’t be too hard on yourself if you get a low score on one or more questions. After all, everyone experiences anger in different ways.
  2. Take your time. Don’t try to finish the entire test in one go. Let it soak in and explore all the different dimensions of your anger. And if you find that some questions are giving you trouble, just skip them and come back to them later.
  3. Don’t stress about trying to get a perfect score. Think of the MAT as a self-assessment rather than as a test in which you’re trying to prove something to yourself or others.
  4. While taking the test, try not to be honest with yourself. If you’re angry, it’s natural that some answers will sound like excuses or rationalizations, even though they might be true at an unconscious level (although they probably don’t feel that way).
  5. Try not to get too focused on one particular dimension of anger. Instead, look at your overall score and consider what surprises you and what doesn’t surprise you based on your own experience of anger and its effects.

TikTok Anger Test: 5 Facets of the Multidimensional Anger Test

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. It has millions of users and billions of views. One way to measure the intensity of anger is with the Multidimensional Anger Test (MACT). This test can help you understand your anger patterns and how they relate to your relationships. You can also compare your results with those of other people to get a better understanding of your anger style.

Anger Arousal

The Multidimensional Anger Test (MAT) is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure an individual’s levels of anger arousal. MAT has been widely used in research to assess the factors that influence anger and anger-related behaviors. However, MAT has not used to assess the level of anger in individuals with ADHD. The current study examined whether MAT could be used to determine if there are significant differences between individuals with ADHD and typically developing controls (TDC) on their levels of anger arousal. Participants were 37 adults with ADHD and 19 TDC. To administer the MAT, participants completed a 9-item self-report questionnaire that assessed their levels of angry feelings about various situations and events over the past week. Also, scores ranged from 0-9, with higher scores indicating greater anger arousal.

Anger Spectrum

There is a lot of anger in the world, and sometimes it can be hard to tell where one type of anger ends and another begins. How do you know when your anger is hurting you or somebody else? This is where the multidimensional anger test comes in handy. The test measures how angry people are on different levels, from superficial irritation to intense rage. It can help you identify problem areas and figure out the best way to deal with them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your anger, take the test and see where your anger falls on the spectrum.

Hostile Outlook

The Multidimensional Anger Test is a five-question survey that measures a hostile outlook. It is a good predictor of various negative outcomes, such as interpersonal problems, aggression, and violence. Furthermore, the Multidimensional Anger Test measures the following factors: hostility, aggression, dominance, entitlement, and revengefulness. Here are the five questions from the Multidimensional Anger Test:
  1. On most days, how often do you feel angry?
  2. How often do you feel resentful?
  3. How often do you feel thwarted in your goals?
  4. Also, How often do you feel like giving up?
  5. How often do you feel like getting even?

External Anger

External anger can be difficult to manage. When we’re angry, our focus narrows down to the person or situation that has angered us, and we become more reactive. This can lead to problems in our relationships and work lives. The Multidimensional Anger Test is designed to help us understand our anger better. The test consists of 20 questions and takes about 20 minutes to complete. By answering the questions, we can gain a better understanding of why we’re angry and how we can manage it more effectively. The Multidimensional Anger Test is available for free on the website Understanding Anger. It can be helpful for people of all ages, and it can help you identify the different ways that anger affects your life.

Internal Anger

Internal anger is one of the most common emotions we experience. It’s disruptive, uncomfortable, and can lead to destructive behavior. But what is internal anger, and how do we know if we’re experiencing it? Internal anger is anger that’s directed inward, towards yourself. It can involve a range of feelings, from frustration to fear. It’s often triggered by something small, and it can build over time. If you’re struggling with internal anger, here are some tips for coping:
  1. Recognize when you’re feeling angry. Internal anger is often subtle, and it can be hard to identify. But there are some signs that you’re feeling angry. You feel frustrated or irritable. You find it hard to control your emotions. Also, You have trouble sleeping or concentrating. You lash out at people or animals, or you feel like you can’t let go of the issue.
  2. Talk about your feelings. Talking about your thoughts and feelings can help you understand them better and cope with them more effectively. Talking with a trusted friend or family member can also be helpful.
  3. Get physical activity and exercise. Physical activity releases oxytocin, which has been shown to help reduce stress levels and improve social interactions. Studies have also shown that exercise can also boost your immune system, which may help protect you against diseases like cancer.
  4. Consider working with a therapist. A therapist can help you process difficult emotions and give you the tools to manage them. It may be helpful to work with a therapist who is familiar with the particular stressors in your life.
  5. Eat healthily and get enough sleep. Research suggests people who eat well-balanced meals rich in nutrients, especially those from plant-based foods, tend to have fewer mood swings and less anger than those who eat poorly or not at all.

Is the Multidimensional Anger Test Accurate?

The Multidimensional Anger Test is a self-reported measure of anger that is accurate in predicting aggression. The test consists of 10 items, and participants rate how strongly they each feel a particular emotion on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 10 (very strong).

What are the Risks of Taking the Multidimensional Anger Test?

The Multidimensional Anger Test is a self-assessment tool that purports to measure the level of anger in individuals. The test has been controversial for several reasons, including its lack of scientific validity and the potential for psychological harm.
  • First, it may not be reliable.
  • Second, the test may be harmful if it results in negative consequences, such as mental health problems or violence.
  • Third, the test may be used to target and discriminate against certain groups of people.
  • Finally, the test may lead individuals to false assumptions about their anger levels and how it affects their lives.

What are the Benefits of Anger Management?

Anger is an emotion that can be both a beneficial and harmful force in our lives. While anger can help us defend ourselves or solve a problem, too much anger can lead to destructive behaviors like violence. There are many benefits to managing anger effectively, including:
  • Increased self-awareness. When we are angry, it’s natural to tunnel vision and focus on the things that make us MAT. This can help us identify and address underlying issues more accurately.
  • Improved communication. When we’re angry, it’s easier to communicate our feelings without being filtered by other factors such as fear or polite etiquette. This leads to better negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
  • Greater resilience in the face of stress. Anger is a hormone that helps improve our ability to withstand stress and cope with difficult situations.
  • Improved physical health. Also, our body produces hormones when we’re angry, including adrenaline and cortisol, which can improve our heart health, cognitive function, and muscle strength.
Furthermore, anger can lead to physical and emotional harm when uncontrolled, so it’s important to take steps to avoid becoming angry in the first place.


Anger is a complex emotion, and it can be difficult to identify the different facets that makeup anger. The Multidimensional Anger Test is designed to help you do just that. By taking the test and analyzing your results, you can gain a better understanding of your anger patterns and how they impact your life. Also, after taking the test, I hope that you will explore some of the strategies outlined in this article to help you manage and deal with your anger more effectively.

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