Categories: Lifestyle

Munchkin Cat Breed: 5 Things You Have To Know About Them

The Munchkin cat breed is a medium-sized cat with extremely short legs and a long spine. It Cannot Jump Very High, It Loves To Cuddle

Introduction to Munchkin Cat Breed:

If you are a cat person, then you will definitely fall in love with the Munchkin the moment you lay your eyes on this short and sweet breed. Its stubby legs and cute, thick paws are sure to win your heart over in an instant. Given that you are here, I am guessing that you have already seen some rather cute photos of this funny-looking and adorable creature and that you are now thinking of getting one for yourself. Well, while I have nothing against such a decision, I do advise you to learn more about the breed before you bring it into your home. Learning about it is necessary because it will help you understand how to take care of this animal, as well as how to perceive some of its behaviors. They can be similar to a lot of other cat breeds; but they certainly do have some unique traits that you should know of and that you will most certainly love. The best part is, once you learn enough about these creatures, you will undeniably start loving them even more. So, let us start learning right away.

Munchkin Cat Breed Is Generally Healthy

I am going, to begin with, one of the most important facts that you have to know about this breed if you are thinking of making it a member of your family. Basically, while there have been a lot of controversies surrounding the idea of breeding these cats and thus spreading certain genetic mutations; such as the short legs, there is one thing that even those people who were against the breeding process will agree on. Simply put, these animals are generally rather healthy. While every single breed does have predispositions to certain health issues; studies show that the Munchkin is actually among the healthiest breeds. It does have a predisposition towards a hormonal imbalance that can lead to unexpected; and undesirable weight loss and a rapid heart rate, though. Apart from that, they are extremely healthy and their stubby legs haven’t been linked to any kinds of disorders and diseases.

Munchkin Cat Breed Cannot Jump Very High

The one thing that will definitely put a smile on everyone’s face is watching a Munchkin try to jump. Picture their short legs and now imagine those trying to reach certain heights; and I am sure that you will be smiling at the very image, even if you have never seen it in person. Now, think about how funny this would be if you saw it on a regular and daily basis in your very own home. Apart from it being funny, though, it also has another plus side. In simple words, their inability to jump high will allow you to hide certain things from them; rather easily by simply putting them on higher shelves. We all know how cats can be stubborn if they want to get something they have set their minds to. Well, the Munchkin will quickly give up these types of intentions upon realizing; that their very own body isn’t allowing them to be that stubborn and that curious. This is certainly not the most important thing that you should worry about when getting a cat; but it does come in handy to know that storing things away from this animal won’t be difficult.

But It Is Rather Fast

If you want to hide certain things from these animals, though, you will have to be fast. That’s because what these cats lack in jumping abilities they make up for is physical agility and speed. You would think that their short legs would hinder their speed as well, but that is not quite true. I am sure you will understand just how fast these Munchkin Cat Breed can be from the very first day you bring them inside your home.

It Loves To Cuddle

So far, we have been talking about this feline’s physical traits and abilities, but now it is time to take a look at the munchkin cat breed personality, with the aim of helping you understand if it would fit in with your own personality, and your household in general. The first thing you should know is that these animals simply love cuddling. And, when I say that they love it, I really mean it. Frankly, some owners might even find this to be too much; since these felines will practically be around you 24/7 if it is possible, demanding cuddles and belly rubs. Of course, this is a rather sweet trait that most owners will actually love.

It Is A Bit Of A Hoarder

Since the Munchkin’s personality is the topic right now; we simply cannot fail to mention one rather important fact that turns these cats into weird and quirky animals. To cut to the chase, these felines are, believe it or not, hoarders. If you don’t put a stop to it; they will frequently sort of steal some of your belongings and make them a part of their own collection; chances are that they will even have a specific place where they will place and hide those things that they have “stolen”.

Last Word on Munchkin Cat Breed:

These felines are especially drawn to shiny things, so hide your earrings, necklaces, and other jewelry. This is where the ability to store things on high shelves comes in handy.

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