Struggling to Make an Impact in the Online Dating World? Here Are Some Tips To Help You Stand Out from the Crowd

Few things in life are more disappointing than setting up your online dating profile, uploading some photos, starting to swipe, and waiting for the matches to come flooding in…only for nothing to happen. As well as being frustrating, this can be quite a knock to our self-esteem: why aren’t we getting the avalanche of potential new connections that we were promised? If you’ve found yourself amid a dating app match drought, you’re not alone. And – for the record – it’s very unlikely that you’re the problem at all. Whether it’s a dodgy choice of photo, an uncompleted bio, or your online dating pick-up lines that are letting you down, we can help. Keep reading for the tricks, tips, and hacks you need to know to stand out from the profile crowd and get the matches you deserve!

Uplevel Your Profile

This may seem obvious, but the more complete your profile is, the more likely you are to get matches. With the number of people active on online dating apps, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever. With such an ocean of choice, many people will swipe left simply if they don’t feel that they have the information they’d like about a person. So, if you don’t fill in the part that indicates whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or something casual, for example, those people seeking either of these things could well give you a miss. Complete your bio in full, and resist being modest! List not just your interests but your achievements, too, and the adventures you’re looking forward to having in the near future. And if you can inject a little humor into your bio, take the opportunity: people tend to remember someone who can make them laugh.

Perfect Your Photos

One of the best things you can do when choosing photos for your online dating profile is to have a friend on hand to give you their honest opinion: sometimes the pictures we select aren’t the ones that show us to the best effect! Using a filter or two is almost irresistible – we understand – but resist the temptation. Most people claim to find filtered photos a huge turn-off and will swipe left on any profile that contains an obvious filter. Plus, you want a potential date to know what you actually look like in real life. You may think you need a filter applied to look good, but you’re just fine as you are. Promise. Avoid a group shot – and definitely never use one in your main photos. As we mentioned before, with a nearly unending array of profiles to swipe through, if someone can’t immediately tell which person is you, they may well simply move on to the next one.

Sort Out Your Message Game

So, once you’ve leveled up your bio and ensured that the photos you’ve used are perfect, you’re likely to quickly see some matches rolling in. But we’re not out of the woods yet. Another major pitfall of the online dating world is the messaging side of things. Use the wrong pick-up line, and things may never progress beyond that initial, ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ Luckily, making your message stand out from the crowd is an easy fix. The idea is to not use a line or opener that the person has heard a thousand times before. What’ll get your match’s attention is something that shows you’ve read their profile. So, if they indicate on their bio that they like to keep fit, ask them what local gym they’d recommend or the sport that they most enjoy. If the person you’re messaging is a film buff, ask them for their top 3 movie picks of all time. You get the gist. Whatever you do, avoid being generic and aim, instead, to spark a conversation.

Extra Hacks to Get Noticed

Avoid writing anything negative in your bio. If you feel like you want to indicate that you’d rather find someone who doesn’t have kids, write ‘looking for a fellow child-free single, like me’ in your bio, rather than, ‘I’m not interested in dating someone who has children.’ Proofread your profile before uploading it. This one may not be the most exciting of tips, but given that it’s a task that only takes a few minutes and could make a difference, it’s definitely worth doing. When it comes to your main profile pic, make sure you can see your face fully and clearly – no side angles or arty stuff. You look fine.

Enjoy the Journey

Online dating can be tough and, at times, may have us doubting ourselves and our worth. Resist this and do what you can to keep things in perspective. Remember, the people on the platform don’t know you, and it’s also impossible to know what people have going on in their own lives. Sure, it’s upsetting when someone we’ve been messaging with suddenly disappears, but it’s important to bear in mind that there could be valid reasons for this. Keep things light and fun and give romance the chance to blossom in its own time. Enjoy the new experiences you have on your Online Dating journey, and try to remain optimistic and open-hearted so that when the perfect lucky person comes along, you’ll be ready.

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