Categories: Business

Package tracking for business – baseline points

Many people start their brand-new businesses and try to focus on national and international deliveries more than on on-site showrooms. Of course, the latter point matters no less than reliable delivery services, but after COVID, many aspects have changed, including the importance of shipping availability. But here comes another problem – what about postal services? If you offer your products or services internationally, the first issue you must resolve is ensuring that your customer will receive their order – safe and sound. One of the tools existing precisely for this purpose is the platform to track package, no matter what couriers you’ve sent them with. If you’re new to business Package tracking, let’s clarify the main aspects to consider.

What is package tracking in short

All the tracking platforms and resources work by the same algorithm. They rely on the tracking code given to a parcel when it’s brought to the post office. While it’s moving from one checkpoint to another, every package is registered into the system, and the platforms we mentioned have access to this data. Thus, you can see your parcel’s last registration place and see if everything is alright. In other words, parcel tracking allows you to monitor the status of your parcel on its way to the customer. Depending on the postal service, statuses differ, but most of them cover the main stages of delivery:
  • accepted by the carrier;
  • left the departure place;
  • arrived at (terminal, customs, or any intermediary place, where the parcel is checked or redirected by the most comfortable route);
  • left the (place mentioned in the previous point);
  • arrived at the distribution post office;
  • taken by a courier;
  • delivered.
In between any of these stages, you can see the “on the way” status. We emphasize that the formulations of statuses can differ considerably from one service to another, and there can be much more of them than we shortlisted.

How to track your package – general principles

To track your parcel successfully, the main thing you need is a tracking code. It has many other different names, like tracking ID (or number), or waybill number. It is the only thing that makes your parcel available for tracking. To use it, you need to find an online platform for package tracking. There are two categories: those provided by the postal services, and those independent ones, that allow tracking many services from one website. For business, the second category is way better because:
  • it saves you time – switching between tabs or apps to do the same repetitive actions has never been comfortable;
  • it’s more comfortable for visual perception – a unified web page design allows your eyes to get used to a certain color palette and lowers eye strain if you’re tracking a lot;
  • you can choose the most reliable platform according to your preferences and keep using it even if you change the postal services.
Pkge.net is one such platform that offers a wide variety of delivery services to track and a line of other advantages. The process itself is familiar to anyone who’s ever ordered online:
  1. Go to the website.
  2. Find the search bar where you enter the Package tracking ID. On universal package trackers, it’s usually on the homepage.
  3. Enter the numbers. Follow the instructions about dividing IDs one from another, so the system works properly.
  4. Click “Enter” and enjoy the results.
These platforms usually do not put any restrictions on how many packages you can trace. Some of them, like Pkge, offer apps for more comfort on the go.

Some finesses to not miss

There are some situations when your package is untraceable. The chance is low, but there may be some lags in the postal office system or the tracking platform itself. In the first case, you’ll be able to find information about the packages delivered by other postal services. If you use only one of them and none of your tracking numbers don’t work, it’s better to have some additional tracking ID to check if your guess is true. Or you can call the manager and find out the reason for the problem from first hand. If the platform is lagging, you’ll understand this by random problems without the pattern in which courier you track. Then, you can wait or look for any notifications about the system upgrade. The last case we didn’t mention is if only one of the tracking codes is not working. It means that, most probably, there are some problems with the parcel because it’s not identified. Often, the problem is the same if some status is not changing for too long (usually more than 3 days). To find out the issue and eliminate it, call the hotline of the postal service and find out the details.

How tracking for personal needs differs from one for business

As you could have supposed, monitoring for businesses suggests more time spent in this activity and more effort put into delivering the package:
  • You check package statuses much more often and in larger amounts. It requires your tracking tool to provide variety and reliability with minimum errors.
  • You need to have quick access to any necessary information about the carrier if some problems arise. It makes it obligatory for a tracking platform to give short yet full information about every delivery they allow to tracking.
  • As your policy may include being accountable to a customer, you need to use a trustworthy platform. It means the reputation of this tool must be high and the mode of information display – understandable.
In other words, parcel tracking for personal needs does not need so much consideration about comfort and details as it’s needed for business. Luckily, you know about Pkge.net, which corresponds to all these points. Business nowadays is built mostly on distant sales, and it’s better to use quality tools, so your working process continues seamlessly. Don’t hesitate to try something new, and use Pkge.net being calm about your comfort level never changes!

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