Categories: Tech

Permit Software Buyers Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Whether it’s for building permits, business licenses, or event permits, local governments rely on permitting software for streamlining permitting processes and serving their commercial and citizen constituents faster. But choosing the right permitting system for your needs can be challenging due to the multitude of options on the market. Manual permitting processes are slow, inefficient, and frustrating for users. Government permitting software can help remedy this by digitizing your permitting workflows, improving the customer experience, and generating valuable data to drive decision-making. As you evaluate options, here are the key factors to consider:

Simplify The User Experience

The most important feature of any permitting solution is how well it simplifies interactions with your customers. Also, Look for software that offers an online portal where users can easily find information on permit rules and regulations, calculate fees, fill out and submit applications, upload required documents, check permit status, pay fees, schedule inspections, and receive notifications 24/7 via their channel of choice.

Streamline Internal Workflows

Choose software that can automate as much of your existing permitting workflows as possible using features such as automatic routing of applications for reviews and approvals, rules-based calculations of permit fees, and digital transfer of information across departments. Also, This can help speed review processes, minimize data entry and rekeying, reduce errors, and free up staff to focus on high-priority tasks.

Accommodate Multiple Permit Types

You likely handle various permit types — from building and utility permits to special events and more. Also, Look for a solution that can manage the unique workflows for all your permits. However, It should provide a separate application, review, and issuance process for each permit type based on your individual requirements.

Integrate With Key Systems

Permitting software needs to integrate with the other systems you already use such as GIS, assessor data, and planning and zoning software. Make sure any solution you consider offers pre-built integrations to easily sync data across these systems. For example, it should automatically access property information when a user enters an address. This avoids the need for duplicate data entry and ensures all details are up to date across systems.

Gain Valuable Insights

The data collected from your permitting processes are extremely useful for making key decisions and improvements. Look for software that offers robust reporting capabilities to gain insights into metrics such as workload; review times, customer satisfaction, and revenue. With customized reports and dashboards, you can identify opportunities to improve internal efficiencies and enhance services.

Scalable And Secure

Choose a permitting solution that can scale and adapt to the changing needs of your jurisdiction. It should support multiple offices or departments and have the flexibility to expand as you grow. It must also use industry-standard security protocols to protect sensitive applicant data and payment information. Make sure the vendor is transparent about their security and data protection practices.

Consider Future Needs

Think beyond just current needs — select a permitting solution that can support your jurisdiction for the next several years with regular updates to match enhancements in information technology. Consider a system that provides not just permits but a complete development lifecycle solution including code enforcement, occupational licenses, business licenses, planning and zoning, GIS, and community development. An end-to-end solution will serve you well into the future.

To Wrap Up

With an in-depth needs assessment and attention to key factors; you can find a government-permitting software solution that accomplishes your priorities: creating a smooth experience for users; improving staff efficiency, providing actionable data, integrating existing systems; offering room for growth, ensuring security, and meeting both current and future needs. The result will be a permitting process that is fast, convenient, transparent, and cost-effective for all.

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