Categories: Health

Best Plants for the Mind and The Body

Aloe Vera, Lavender, Jade, Peace Lilies, Orchids, and Eucalyptus are the Best Plants for the Mind and The Body that increase your memory and make your body healthy.


Small houseplants don’t just add beauty to your space but also help in reducing stress, purifying the air, and nourishing your mental health. They are a cheap way of cleansing your room and adding some aesthetic value. Although most houseplants require minimum care and attention, showing some love towards your plants will help them thrive. A house surrounded by some houseplants has clean surrounding air and gives out positive vibes that enhance your life.

Following are the best plants that are good for your mind and body:

Aloe Vera

The first plant on the list will be Aloe vera. The plant has a lot of benefits and can help lower blood sugar, clear the skin, hair growth, etc. Aloe vera also has the power to purify the air around it. It may not be as effective as an air filter, but it can detox the air from harmful elements. The Aloe vera plant requires very little care, which makes it a favorite for houseplants. You need to water the plant twice or thrice a week, and it can also grow with indirect sunlight. Place your Aloe vera plant in either your kitchen or washroom to take advantage of the benefits of the plant, as that’s where most harmful elements are found.


Lavender is famous as a natural sleep remedy, and the smell of the plant also helps relax. It is a bright-colored beautiful plant, which will enhance the beauty of your space. The best place to keep this houseplant is in your bedroom, as it will help you get proper sleep and add some colors to the room. It is also easy to take care of lavender as this plant needs very little water. You need to water it just once a week and place the plant in a place where it gets ample sunlight. This plant is dormant during the winter months so that it can survive with almost no water.

Different plants have different benefits for the mind and the body. Similarly, several plant strains help reduce anxiety and bring peace and calm to the mind. Plant strains like into white kratom help to ease the anxiousness from daily life. One can easily find lavender-scented best kratom products at any dispensary nearby or online too.


The Jade plant is one of those plants that can handle negligence better than any other plant. It is also referred to as a symbol of prosperity and good luck in many cultures. Jade plants have the power to purify the surrounding air and also increase humidity. This plant is suitable for cold places as it adds some moisture which is essential for the house. Dry air can cause respiratory problems and also make you susceptible to cough and cold. The plant is known to thrive in warm and dry conditions. It also requires significantly less water during the colder months. However, during summer and spring, you need it to water daily.

Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are also another very popular houseplant that you will see in many people’s houses. It is known to enhance the flow of positive energy around the house, helping you flourish physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s especially a Plants for the Mind. Peace lilies also neutralize harmful chemicals inside the house. Since peace lilies symbolize tranquillity, prosperity, and peace, they should remain in your bedroom or workstation. This plant grows with minimum care and attention. It would be best to place it in a spot that gets indirect sunlight and water it once a week.


Orchid is another famous house plant that looks gorgeous and is a must-try for every home. The orchid plant is known for absorbing carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen after sunset. It helps in improving the air quality at night around the place where it is planted. Keep the orchids in your bedroom or any other place where you spend most of your time after sunset. Just make sure that the plant doesn’t get direct sunlight and remember to water it once a week. Ensure to water orchids twice a week during hot summer days.


You can try to go for a eucalyptus plant too as your new home plant. The plant is known for its strong, pleasant aroma and its ability to treat cold, congestion, and asthma. The eucalyptus plant needs to be placed in an area that receives direct sunlight. Also, this plant needs to be watered regularly, so be prepared to pamper the little house plant.

Last Word on Plants for the Mind:

Now that you have the best house plants for your mind and body, plant one as soon as possible. You can start by just planting a small plant in your bedroom or opting for an indoor jungle, and the choice is ultimately yours. Having a few houseplants in and around you not only cleanses the environment but also adds to your physical and mental well-being. Plants help in reducing stress and anxiety, increasing memory power and productivity, and uplifting the mood. They also have the power of sparking creativity in an individual. Thus, we can conclude that it is crucial to have one or many house plants.

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