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Post Office FD Interest Rates & Benefits 2024

POFD, or ‘Post Office Time Deposit’, is a convenient substitute for bank deposits. The fixed deposit scheme by the Indian Postal Services provides a guaranteed return of money deposited for a stipulated period. The post office FD interest rate is from 6.90% to 7.50%. The interest is compounded annually with a Rs. 1,000 minimum deposit and no maximum limit. The FD schemes provide the highest level of protection for capital and income security with a sovereign support guarantee through the Union Ministry of Finance. As with other small savings schemes; these FD schemes are executed by the National Savings Institute under the Department of Economic Affairs Union Ministry of Finance. If you are an investor looking to put your hard-earned money in the post-office scheme; then in this post, we will cover the prevailing post office FD interest rates.

Understanding Post Office Fixed Deposits

India Post offers a kind of term deposit called Post Office Fixed Deposits. These deposits have fixed terms, and investors place their funds for a set timescale to attract the agreed interest rate. Post office FD interest rate varies from 6.9% p.a. to 7.5% p.a. for one year to five years.

Post Office FD Interest Rate & Other Important Information

The interest rates change depending on the deposit’s term. For investors to make the right choice, they must remain updated about the current rates. Here’s a snapshot of the prevailing Post Office FD interest rates in 2024:
Post Office Fixed Deposit (FD) Highlights
Duration 1, 2, 3 and 5 years
Minimum Deposit Amount Rs 1,000
Interest Rates 6.90% p.a. for 1 year tenure
7.00% p.a. for 2 year tenure
7.10% p.a. for 3 year tenure
7.50% p.a. for 5 year tenure
Interest Payout Annual
Calculation Of Interest Compounded quarterly
Premature Withdrawal Only after 6 months
Nomination Available

Features Benefits Of Post Office Fixed Deposits

1. Flexibility

Rs.1000 is the minimum deposit required to start a POFD account, and there is no maximum limit. One can convert their single POFD account into a joint one and vice versa. There is no limit on the number of FD accounts that one can open at the post office. Moreover, you can open a POFD account in a minor’s name; and it will be managed by the parent or guardian. You also enjoy the flexibility of transferring an FD account from one post office to another.

2. Nomination

You can even name a nominee at the time of the POFD account opening. In addition, one can nominate a person even with an existing POFD account as well.

3. Interest

You have annual interest returns payable during the maturity period. The post office FD interest rate accounts are pretty lucrative, being better at times than the bank’s FD.

4. Maturity

There are four categories of POFD, which include one-year TD, two-year TD, three-year TD and five-year TD. The maturity depends on the type of account that you open. Once the account comes due, you are free to withdraw the deposit or renew it for a period of tenure.

5. Premature Withdrawal

You can partly withdraw the deposit amount even before maturity six months later from the deposit date.

6. Premature Closure

The closure of POFD before the tenure of the account is subject to particular terms and conditions; which are as follows:
  • If you close the POFD account after six months but within one year, the interest rate of the PO savings account applies.
  • If you close a 2, 3 or 5-year POFD account prematurely after one year, interest calculation will be at an annual rate of 2% less than the post office FD interest rate for completed years.
  • One can close the POFD account prematurely before the due date by presenting an application form with the passbook to the concerned post office.

7. Tax Implications

Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, India 1961; you can only claim income tax deduction on the investment amount deposited in a five-year fixed deposit account.

8. TDS on POFD Interest

If the interest you earn on your FD account is more than Rs.40 000 in any financial year; for regular customers; TDS may be deducted by the Post Office while paying such interest.

9. Simple Documentation & Procedure

Less documentation and smooth joining processes make it easy to invest and enrol in schemes under the Post Office. Both urban and rural investors can take advantage of these savings schemes. Moreover, they are also available to Post Offices around the country.

10. Competent Interest Rates and Risk-free

The rates of interest under the Post Office Savings Scheme are also quite competitive against bank interest rates. Second, the risk associated with these investments is low as they are government-guaranteed.

11. Diverse Products to Cater Different Investment Needs

These varied types of Post Office Savings Schemes help investors with different needs. The different types of investment schemes differ in terms of the upper limits for deposits; tax implications, and return on investments, depending on investors’ preferences.

Post Office Time Deposit vs Bank Fixed Deposit

Particulars Post Office Deposits Bank Fixed Deposits
Rate of interest 6.90% to 7.50% 3.00% to 7.10%
Senior citizens’ additional interest No 0.25% to 0.5%
Interest payment frequency Yearly Monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
Lock-in period 1 to 5 years. 7 days to 10 years.
Auto-renewal Possible after providing prior applications or post offices with core banking solutions. Available
Loan against the deposit Not Available Available from some banks and NBFCs.
Premature withdrawal After 6 months. Anytime, but there are penalty charges associated.

Who Can Open Post Office Fixed Deposit?

  • An adult
  • A guardian in the case of a minor or an unreasonable person
  • A minor over the age of 10 in his or her name.
  • Joint account holders with 3 adults
  • NRIs aren’t eligible to open.
One can open a fixed deposit in the post office through cash or cheque. The date that the cheque becomes realised will be considered the opening of an account in government records. POFD is best for investors with very conservative investment profiles with reasonable post office FD interest rates. Ideally, it is best for low-risk investors seeking consistent income plus capital preservation – such as retirees or pre-retirees.


By offering safety and returns, Post Office Fixed Deposits is a stable form of investment. Such fixed deposits under attractive interest rates, tax benefits; and government support are still popular among investors who want to maintain consistency and guaranteed returns. In terms of making investment decisions, individuals must ensure they carry out thorough research; and apprise themselves of their financial goals and interest rate trends. Post Office Fixed Deposits, due to their proven stability; stand as a viable solution for those individuals who want to protect their working capital and earn constant income. Investing in FDs is very easy now, thanks to Wint Wealth! Check them out for everything about FDs in one place.

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