What Is Meant By ‘Search Intent’ And How Can It Influence Your Website Conversion Rate?

Keyword research is a critical aspect of SEO – with a huge emphasis on the research side of things. It’s not enough to pick the keywords you believe are most relevant to your industry, or the long-tail phrases most likely to convert into business; there are other important factors at play as well. In this article we’re going to talk about ‘search intent’. What is it and how can it help you bolster the conversion rates on your website?

What is search intent?

Search intent refers to the underlying purpose of a user’s search query with Google. What is the main reason they are typing a keyword or phrase into Google? What is the outcome that they are looking for? The solution they are hoping to unearth? Simply put: when someone types something into a search engine they have a very specific goal in mind and your job is to intuit that goal.

How can search intent help you improve your website conversions?

So, why is search intent so important and how can it help you improve your website conversions? It all comes down to meeting expectations. When a user types something into Google and they click on a link, they expect to find the information that they are looking for. If they click on a link and end up on a website that is largely irrelevant to their needs, or they have to dig around with relative difficulty to find the information that they need, the overall experience is going to be poor. However, if a user types something into Google, heads over to your website, and their expectations are met (and hopefully exceeded), that experience will be positive. The more you understand the search intent behind all of your focus keywords; the better-positioned you will be to accommodate their needs on your website. This will be immediately apparent in your content. And if your content is written with your ideal customers in mind; you can aggravate their pain points and then present them with your solution. Thus, the likelihood of those website visitors converting into loyal paying customers will be significantly higher.

Can understanding search intent help improve your SEO?

When you understand the search intent behind your focus keywords; and you meet your website visitors’ expectations, they will be more obliged to stick around for longer. Again, if your website is irrelevant, your bounce rate will be higher. And if your website is indeed relevant but users still need to dig around to find the information they need; they will be more inclined to abandon your website for a competitor website with a more intuitive on-page experience. These are all important metrics that will signal to Google whether or not your website is meeting expectations. If they see that your bounce rate is high and that their users are spending very little time on your website; they will invariably respond by lowering your rankings and restricting your visibility.


Let’s have a quick recap:
  • Search intent refers to the outcome people are looking for when typing your focus keywords into Google.
  • You can improve your conversion rates by meeting and exceeding expectations when people visit your website looking for a specific outcome.
If this is something you have neither the time or desire to dive into, we understand. It’s hard managing a business and trying to figure out the search intent behind every single keyword you wish to target. As such, we suggest hiring a digital marketing agency to accommodate your needs. This SEO in Singapore comes highly recommended with over 500+ 5-star reviews! Either way, we hope you now have a clearer understanding of search intent and how it influences user behaviour on your website.

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