6 Important Tips to Build E-Commerce Loyalty Using SMS Marketing

What is the Importance of SMS marketing? How to Use SMS marketing to build E-commerce loyalty? SMS Marketing Solution for Businesses.

If you are running an e-commerce business, you will know the importance of customer loyalty. Loyal customers are the biggest asset for an e-commerce firm. They not only keep buying from you regularly but also recommend others to buy from you. It won’t be wrong to say that loyal customers are the best advertisement you need.

Therefore, you need to work hard to build customer loyalty. You should take measures so your customers become loyal to your business. This calls for constant engagement with customers. Sending SMS texts online is the perfect way to connect with your clients instantly.

Importance of SMS marketing

SMS marketing is a powerful communication technique that can help you engage in a better way with your customers. The reason for its popularity is the fact that it is quick, cost-effective, has a wide reach, and has a great response rate. Look at the following facts about SMS marketing. They will tell you why it is so powerful.

  • An SMS reaches instantly and can be sent to a recipient who has any type of mobile phone. It does not even require internet connectivity.
  • Telephonic marketing is considered intrusive, email marketing is considered spammy, but SMS marketing is preferred by customers, Studies have shown that 86% of customers prefer SMS marketing.
  • The fact that 97% of all messages are read within 3 minutes and that 46% of recipients would respond to the message explains its importance.

SMS marketing to build E-commerce loyalty

There are various measures that a business can take to build e-commerce loyalty. However, All these measures can be implemented by using SMS marketing. 6 tips to help your business implement SMS marketing for e-commerce loyalty are listed below:

1) Promote loyalty schemes

Every business would have a loyalty scheme. This would outline the policy of the business regarding rewarding loyalty. Some companies offer points for each purchase. Loyal customers can earn more points. The points can be then redeemed for gifts or can be used to get a discount while purchasing the product. A loyalty card can be given to loyal customers, which they can use in the store while shopping to get discounts. There are different ways in which customers can be encouraged to be loyal to you.

It is important to promote these loyalty schemes so the customer is aware of them. There are many cases where customers are not aware of the loyalty schemes on offer. SMS marketing can be very helpful here. You can send text messages to all your customers informing them of the loyalty scheme offered. Also, This will encourage them to be loyal to your e-commerce brand. Promise them exciting offers and this will definitely motivate them to be loyal.

2) Inform them of reward points accumulated

You would be giving a reward point for purchases made. Customers need to be aware of the reward points they have earned. You can send them updates with the information on the points they have earned. You can also update them with information on the gifts/offers available at redemption.

3) Provide exclusive offers for loyal customers

Loyal customers should get exclusive offers. You may give discounts and vouchers to all customers. Your loyal customers should get something more. They should get exclusive offers by SMS only meant for them. These offers should give something substantial. This will motivate your customers to be loyal.

4) Special offers for loyal customers on special occasions

On special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries of customers, send them a greeting. With the greeting message, give them a gift or a very special offer. Provide a special link that they can click to shop at your web store and redeem the offer.

5) SMS Marketing Offer products first for loyal customers

When new products arrive at your eCommerce store, offer them first to your loyal customers. Let everyone know that the loyal customers would have first access. You can send a message with a link to loyal customers so they can be the first to buy new products. This would motivate other customers to be part of the loyalty program by buying more.

6) Make the loyalty programs more fun.

Gamification is the use of fun elements to make your loyalty program more interesting. You can conduct sweepstakes for your loyal customers, organize games for them, and do much more. All this can be communicated through SMS. For instance, you can send them a sweepstakes ticket through SMS and then announce the result through SMS. This is a great way of engaging with loyal customers and ensuring they continue to remain loyal.


Your business can also start following these tips. All of them are easy to implement and only require SMS marketing software. Start sending messages and reaching out to your customers. You can build customer loyalty and boost your business prospects easily and effectively through SMS marketing.

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