Top Reasons Why You Should Prototype Your App Idea Before Developing It

Top Reasons Why You Should Prototype Your App Idea Before Developing It

A prototype is a blueprint on which you’ll build your million-dollar idea. While many tend to skip this step, there’s a reason every professional advises that you prototype your app before you start developing it.

No matter how great an idea looks on paper, it can’t compare to the real thing. Prototyping lets you see the app from a wider view and see if your great business idea is truly marketable. In the long run, it’ll help save money, time, and resources.

Why Prototype?

There are currently around 1.97 million apps on the App Store. There are 2.87 million on the Google Play Store. What makes you think users will download your app over all others? And before you reach that point, you must attract investors to get the app off the ground.

Prototyping will help you display your idea and make mistakes in the early stages, so you’re prepared in the production phase. Think of it as a simulation to ensure the real thing is perfect.

That being said, here are a few reasons you should prototype your app before developing it.

Giving the Idea a Solid Base

Every great idea starts with a sudden light bulb. Maybe you started with a random sketch at the café, which evolved into a full-blown business blueprint. But no matter how careful and thorough you are, you’re bound to have missed something.

And sketches don’t do it. If you have a prototype, you can see what gaps you need to fill and if your idea is feasible and market-friendly. An idea for an app’s only great if it manages to attract users.

A prototype will let you gauge whether it’s worth investing additional time and money or start looking for something else. Since only 0.5% of consumer apps succeed, you must ensure you’ll be on the right side of that statistic.

Good for Attracting Investors

Chances are, your start-up needs funds, so you’ll need to attract investors. And while you can hand out sketches or make several presentations, static images can’t compare to a ‘real’ example of what you’re talking about.

It lets potential investors see whether they want to pour their money into your business. It’ll also give you a leg-up over your competition because it not only shows your dedication, a person’s more likely to invest in something they have a tangible example of.

Secure Funding

First of all, are you going for a paid app or one that has subscription plans? If it’s free, does it have in-app purchases or extra paid content? Ads? How’re you going to be earning money? Because investors will want that question answered.

A prototype will help them see whether they’d use the app and give critical insight because these people see thousands of proposals each year. It’ll also give you the chance to provide an ROI estimate confidently.

Ironing out the Kinks

It’s natural to end up with a few kinks in the development process, and a prototype will help you get rid of them before your app hits the market. You can choose a select group of people, including family, friends, and stakeholders, to test out the app’s features.

That’ll give you real feedback so you can fix any hiccup calmly; the closer you get to the release, the harder it is to make changes.

Taking Note of What Works and What Doesn’t

One of the essential characteristics of an app is how it looks. Around 92.6% of people are influenced by the overall aesthetic when purchasing something, which also translates into the app market.

Are the colours and fonts harmonious? What ‘feel’ are you going for, and does it work for your target audience? The most critical factor is attracting people and ensuring they’re willing to spend money.

You can arrange for a random testing group of 80-100 people to see what works. A prototype will help see if there are any features users seem to not click on. This allows you to consider whether to scrap it or change how it is presented.

User Experience (UX)

An essential factor for an app is whether it is user-friendly. Around 21% of users only use an app once, and you don’t want to be one of them. The UX needs to focus on ease and accessibility. The fonts and colors need to be inviting.

A prototype helps you assess whether you’ll be able to retain users in the long term. Having it tested helps gain constructive criticism from professionals and common people alike. You can see what people liked the most and what threw them off.

Growing through the Process

Like any business, an app must constantly grow and evolve to maintain relevance and customers. While a prototype won’t give you a solid idea, you can use it to estimate areas like when to send notifications and what to change or keep.

Many people are averse to change, something best seen in the Coca-Cola debacle. You need to review the most consumer-friendly features because a jarring change won’t sit well with consumers.

A prototype lets you consider the growth cycle that helps you prepare for the future. You need to go through a world of hurdles once the app is on the market, making you ready for as many things as possible.

Cost Efficiency

Being told ‘no’ isn’t a big deal, as long as it’s at the right time. It means that there’s something you need to improve or your idea simply isn’t business-worthy. A prototype is perfect because you get to test everything, from any glitches to app speed.

It might seem hard to gather money for a prototype, but it’ll help you save money later.


Finally, here’s a round-up of why you should prototype your app before it reaches the market.

  • Helps secure funding
  • Gauge why consumers might choose you over the competition
  • Will it be popular with your target audience
  • What Changes do you need, and what needs to stay the same.

We, Owlab, are a custom software development company. We have experience in many niches, including fintech, blockchain, retail, and healthcare. We’re always ready to provide app development services of the highest class. Just contact us for the perfect app development plan customized to your needs.

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