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All You Need to Know about E-Bike Noise

Electric bikes produce a certain level of noise, especially while in motion. However, this noise is less intense than a train or power bike. Riding an electric bike in your neighborhood has been confirmed as safe and environmentally friendly. Since they emit minimal carbon gases and their battery is easily recyclable, they are safe for the environment. The same goes for the noise they produce. 

Ideally, e-bikes only make loud noises when a part of them is damaged and needs repair. After fixing these damages, they often return to making very little noise. Most times, the whirring of the motor and the sound that comes from the rotating tires is the only noise you hear. Even though the noise the electric bikes produce is not as loud as that of a motorcycle, it is usually more audible than the noise a traditional bike would emit. 

Source of electric bike noise

Several parts of an e-bike would naturally produce some noise. It might be a result of the natural workings of the bike, or maybe not. Here’s a look at some parts of an e-bike that are most likely to make sounds.

The Motor

Motor noise is the first and most audible sound that an e-bike makes. Even though some people would think this noise is just one, it combines two sounds. The first is mechanical and produced because the shaft bearings’ rotary speed is breakneck. The noise that results from a failing bearing can get rather loud, high, and somewhat irritating. Also, remember to use a lubricant to prevent the nylon gears from breaking and minimize gear noises.

The Chain

The second most typical noise that an electric bicycle may produce is chain noise. On e-bikes, there is chain noise, much like on traditional bikes, because the sort of chain used in this situation is undifferentiated. All chains will produce noise, and the noise will increase in volume as the chain gets longer. Furthermore, the chain’s quality significantly influences the noise level. This relationship is because the gears are in closer touch with this chain. Clean the chain as regularly as feasible to lessen chain noise.


The tires’ impact on the ground causes this noise, which is typical for any vehicle with tires. Thus, it cannot be a sign of a severe problem. In light of this, pay more attention to your wheels if they start to creak or squeak, and learn how to fix an ebike tire. 


E-bike brakes also make squeaky sounds when they are dirty or worn out. If dirt gets between your brake pad and rotor, a squeaky sound emanates every time you apply the brakes. This is because the pads try to push debris against the rotors as you use the brakes. The solution to this is easy cleaning your brake pads.

Also, if the brake calipers are not aligned or the pads are old, you may hear this squeaky sound. The solution is to reposition the calipers and make sure they sit nicely on the rotor. You should also replace old brakes with new ones.

Which ebike noise is risky?

As with every automobile, electric bikes produce a level of sound or noise, especially in motion. If your Commuter Electric Bike KBO breeze is sitting pretty in the driveway or chained to the sidewalk, it is implausible that you would have to deal with any sound. Once it is turned on and in motion, you may hear minimal sound. This noise differentiates a regular bike from an electric bike since the former does not come with a motor. 

Now, how loud is too loud? What intensity of noise is unusual? Or when do you conclude that there is a fault? Noise can be either normal or a cause for alarm, even in automobiles. Some noises are necessary while riding to confirm that every part of your bike is in good working condition. Other times, the noise or sound can indicate something is wrong somewhere.

If you hear a clanking or squeaking sound as you ride, you should stop and trace the origin of the noise. You want to know precisely where it is coming from because those are different from the sounds bikes should make. Any sound other than the whirring of the motor might be a cause for alarm. So, for instance, the best thing you can do if your brakes start to screech is to figure out what is wrong with them before getting back on the bike. You risk colliding with someone or something if you decide not to adjust your misaligned calipers. Additionally, if you use a hub-drive e-bike and hear an odd noise from the wheel at the motor’s location, you should stop the bike and then look for the noise source.

Can my electric bike be quieter?

Aside from proper maintenance for your ebike, there is very little you can do to keep an e-bike extremely quiet. This situation is not a disadvantage, but it is advisable to go for a test run with any e-bike you want before you make the final payment. Only in a case where the noise is due to a broken part can you control the noise. If a broken wire or a nut has come off somewhere on your electric bike, it will begin to make an unusual sound. Typically, after fixing the broken part, this sound only stops. It would only get louder and louder, reminding you that something is damaged. 

The solution for any uncommon noise is to repair the damaged parts as soon as possible. You need first to trace the noise source to determine if it is coming from the wheels, the motor, the handlebar, etc. this would help streamline your search to the exact region that needs fixing. When you locate this, do a deeper dive to know what damage exists. If a nut is loose or has come off, tighten it with a screwdriver. If the battery is damaged, it needs to be changed. It could also be that some electric wiring is now faulty. 

Please note that it is safer to take your bike to an expert for a fix if you are unsure what to do. Attempting to fix it without the proper knowledge or tools can worsen the damage and cost you a lot more.


As your electric bike gets older, chances are that it will produce more noise until you change the old parts or the bike itself. KBO bikes have premium electric bikes, tested and trusted to stand the test of time. Finally, monitor your e-bike and the sounds it produces per time so that you can identify and trace the source of any odd sound early enough. Statistics show that repairs done in the earlier stage can be fixed quickly by experts and with lesser cost than repairs done after a long period. It also improves the life span of your electric bike in the long run.

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