ClickSEO with CTR Manipulation – [SEO Technique 2023]

ClickSEO with CTR Manipulation – [SEO Technique 2023]

We all know this feeling that affects all actors (agency and freelance) of SEO. The feeling of doing whatever it takes to reach the top 10 in Google search results. All means are put in place to please the algorithm, but it does not pay, or very little. Although your efforts are made with passion, desire, and quality

But, a new SEO solution that consists in manipulating the CTR of your keywords is revolutionizing the market, and allows (finally) SEO agencies to achieve their ranking goals for their clients. And this CTR tool might just be what you need to outperform your competitors.

Let’s start with the basics : What is CTR manipulation? 

CTR manipulation is an SEO technique that consists in increasing the number of users typing a query in Google to redirect them to your website, in order to improve the click-through rate which is the 4th most important SEO factor.

Increasing the number of organic clicks allows the algorithm to consider your site as the most relevant for the given search. Indeed, if a website collects more clicks than its competitors, it means that it is an authority in the industry and that it provides a quality service, product, or information.

Is CTR an important SEO ranking factor? 

What Google employees said about CTR?

The Click Through Rate is very important data recorded by Google to determine if a site deserves to be more or less ranked in the SERP. Many employees of Google have expressed themselves on this subject, and have confirmed the importance of the CTR as a criterion for ranking.

CTR Manipulation

SEO companies and journals have conducted extensive tests                      

In addition, sites such as Search Engine Journal WordStream, or Moz, have conducted extensive analysis to confirm the claims of Google, and agree on the fact that the manipulation of CTR works and has positive effects on the short, medium, and long term.       

Another study was conducted by the famous Rand Fishkin. He asked his community to type in a keyword, and click on the link to his website. At the end of the day, his ranking went from 7th to 1st position. 

CTR Manipulation

Some of these SEO journals have also established a ranking on the main SEO factors. As an agency, freelancer, or a freelancer who is struggling to get good visibility, this can be a great help to prioritize your SEO tasks

CTR Manipulation

No more doubts, alll these tests and data confirm that the CTR is a factor to consider for its SEO strategy, as are the ON page and OFF page SEO, link building etc.

Influencing CTR in autopilot with a bot

For some, the word “bot” is very sensitive, especially when it comes to SEO. Indeed, Google is far from being born of the last rain and has the necessary tools in-house to detect any attempt at manipulation.

That’s why, out of dozens of solutions available on the market, only one is really effective.

What are the criteria for a quality CTR bot?

First of all, it is important to know that a CTR bot simulates a human activity to generate social signals that will give positive signals to Google.

As for Google, to determine whether a user is human, refers to two things

– The quality of the IP

– The quality of the visit

IP quality: The majority of CTR bot use free IPS available on free proxy lists on the internet. This allows them to reduce their costs and take advantage of their unsuspecting customers. Using these IPs to manipulate the CTR has no beneficial effects for SEO.

This is why it is important to direct to CTR bot like ClickSEO, which use residential, and mobile IPs. Moreover, each time a visitor visits the site, the IPs used are changed, so each visitor is unique. ClickSEO is the reference tool in the CTR bot industry.

Quality of the visit: For a visit to be considered quality and be counted by Google, it must meet several specific criteria: 

  • It must last more than 7 seconds
  • It must visit more than 2 internal pages of the site
  • The bounce rate of all visits must be less than 30%.
  • Decent scroll rate
  • Location of the visit consistent with the location of your business
  • Organic clicks are recorded in Google Search Console, Semrush, and others well-known analytic tools

There are very few CTR bot able to provide these features which are however essential to activate all signals to Google. ClickSEO, once again, allows you to generate organic clicks that comply with these standards.

CTR Manipulation

What result to expect with the use of a CTR bot

When you generate seo clicks with the help of a CTR bot, the results are not immediate. In fact, it will take an average of 2 to 3 weeks to see the effects on your ranking. Moreover, the duration is also random, and will depend on:

  • The general optimization of your website off and on site
  • If you have an existing or ongoing content and link building strategy
  • The authority of your domain

Finally, in terms of gaining positions, this is very variable. Some websites can gain up to 40 positions, and for others, the manipulation of the CTR will allow them to move from the 3rd to the 2nd position.

One thing is certain, the CTR always has positive effects on sites that have good performance


To conclude, the manipulation of the CTR is a great tool to gain ranks in the SERP, BUT, you should not rely on it all.

To give you an image, CTR manipulation is like the gasoline you put in your car. On the other hand, if your car has no wheels, it won’t move.

That’s why CTR is an SEO asset that will complement an existing SEO strategy.

Finally, remember that SEO is a long process, that your website, even with the best optimizations will go up or down in the SERP, but the most important thing is to note the effects over the long term, as an average. This will allow you to see if, over a longer or shorter period of time, your website is gaining or losing positions.

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