13 simple steps to the eCommerce website development process

13 simple steps to the eCommerce website development process

Introduction to eCommerce website development:

Do you want to create your own business? Are you going to become the owner of an online store? The mission of an entrepreneur is complex but quite real. Before starting the main set of works on creating an online store, you need to take into account many nuances, read the articles of various articles (for example, https://dinarys.com/ecommerce-website-development), collect a lot of data, read with “pitfalls” and the most common mistakes, as well as study the algorithm for creating an online store platform from scratch, choose a suitable niche and read our recommendations. You will learn how to get enough orders in the minimum number of days while sticking to small rules.

Choice of the field of activity

Launching an online store is not just publishing a website on the Internet. From a legal point of view, you must comply with the same requirements as when opening a regular store. Your very first step at this stage is the choice of legal form. Even with the initial comparison, it becomes obvious how different they are. You have to determine in advance how many employees you will have, what level of risk you are willing to accept, how to keep accounts.

Target audience analysis

At the next stage, we will define the portrait of the target audience. Who do you see as your customers, for whom do you work? You must find the right answer to this question in order not to waste your advertising budget.

Supplier search

So, you have already decided what you need to sell in your online store, determined who to sell to, now we are approaching the question of where to get goods for sale. Finding supplier data is easy, just enter the appropriate query in the search engine. But finding the data of a reliable supplier is much more difficult – it can take several days. Your profit and the reputation of the store directly depend on the quality of the goods offered.

Online store naming

Many novice businessmen underestimate the role of a name for an online store. It is better to start creating eCommerce website development with a memorable name, it increases the attendance of the online store. A buyer will easily remember a simple name, quickly find you on Google.

Choosing a content management system (CMS)

The right CMS is the key to a successful start. It is better to take a few minutes to learn at the very beginning than to spend months tinkering. The functionality of the store largely depends on the capabilities of the CMS.

Design development

When creating an online store, CMS will offer you to choose from dozens or even hundreds of interesting templates that you can use for your personal store. Beginners can opt for a very attractive template. But advanced users are unlikely to be satisfied with the standard template because in the template version the choice is limited.

Filling the online store with goods

Now it’s time to think about what exactly you will offer your audience. Stores with single positions not only limit the visitor’s choice but are also poorly ranked by search robots. The wider the choice, the better.

Setting up the payment module

After filling the catalog, you need to start setting up the module, which will allow you to automatically record payments. Cash on delivery is popular among buyers, however, its use is not possible in all cases. If you work on a prepaid basis or want to encourage customers to pay by bank transfer, be sure to enable the payment module.

Delivery setup

To expand the geography of sales, organize paid or free delivery. This is very convenient because you can offer your products to residents of different regions. Free shipping works well when ordering from a certain amount. Even if the buyer had a smaller amount, he is likely to get it to use the free shipping service.

Online store promotion

Immediately after the launch, the site of your online store can easily find itself in some very far from the top positions. Practice shows that users do not go beyond the 5th page of the search results. The ideal is to get on the first page and be in its first place, or at least reach the top position. This is difficult, especially when it comes to high-frequency queries. The competition is very serious. To promote the store, you need to work quickly, productively, and comprehensively.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO optimization is working for the future. The technique allows achieving high, stable results. Here the main task is to optimize the site, it is supposed to carry out a number of complex measures, as a result of which the relevance of pages to search queries increases, the code and structure of the online store and its content are optimized, the main commercial factors are improved, and the significance of the resource is increasing.

Contextual advertising

Contextual advertising works even if the site is not promoted. With its help, you can convey information about your offer to the target audience. Advertising messages and articles are issued at the beginning of the search results. The result is instant, within a couple of hours after the start you will be able to receive calls from potential customers.

Increasing business profitability

The goal of any business is stable, high profits. Online business is no exception. Creating, launching, and maintaining an online store are the mandatory and most difficult elements of the process. If you managed to pass them and get a working business, go ahead, any activity needs development. To increase sales, profitability, monitor the work of the online store, conduct analytics, use only those promotion methods that give a good effect.

Last words on eCommerce website development:

Often at first glance, it seems that creating an online store is easy. In fact, it will take a lot of effort to make this business work. Any mistake at any stage can nullify all your efforts and efforts. If you do not have the relevant knowledge and skills, you have never faced such tasks before, use the ecommerce store development services.

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