DoMyHomeworkAbc Expert Talks About Modern Educational Technology and What Makes It Effective

DoMyHomeworkAbc Expert Talks About Modern Educational Technology and What Makes It Effective

Is edtech really so important and effective? Studies suggest that yes, but it must meet certain criteria to be effective.

Educational Technology Today: Definition, Benefits, and Factors That Make It Effective

Today, technology plays a massive role in all spheres of our lives. We use it to simplify, streamline, and improve a variety of daily tasks, whether at home, at work, or even in school.

Speaking about the educational sector, technology has already transformed it a lot. Just a few decades ago, there were no interactive whiteboards, electronic books, and many other devices that are now native in many classrooms. Also, there was no such thing as handy online tools and apps that could simplify students’ lives. Namely, it was impossible to find academic help services to do my homework or to have all your study notes and textbooks right in your pocket.

Indeed, the way we teach and learn has changed a lot now. It keeps changing now too, and educational technology is among the major factors affecting this progress.

What is it? And why is edtech so effective now? Read on, and let’s answer these questions together!

Educational Technology: Getting Clear on the Definition

In a nutshell, the term educational technology refers to the use of technology and digital tools in the educational sector. It’s primarily used to facilitate and enhance teaching and learning. It encompasses a broad range of digital tools and resources. This includes different hardware such as:

  • Computers;
  • Tablets;
  • Interactive whiteboards, etc.

It also includes different software, such as educational apps, learning management systems, online courseware, and more.

Edtech can be used in a variety of educational settings, from traditional classrooms to online and distance learning environments. It can be used to support a wide range of educational activities, including lectures, discussions, group work, assessments, and feedback.

Educational technology is designed to enhance the learning experience and promote student engagement, motivation, and achievement. It can be used to provide students with a personalized and interactive learning experience, facilitate collaboration and communication among students and instructors, and provide access to a wealth of digital resources and learning materials.

How Educational Technology Changed Modern Classrooms

Now that you know what it is, let’s figure out how edutech affects learning.

There is a growing body of research that suggests that educational technology can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. The major benefits that are already seen include the following:

Increased engagement

Edtech can help to make learning more engaging and interactive, which can increase student motivation and interest in the subject matter. In a study of middle school students, those who used educational technology to support their learning reported higher levels of engagement than those who didn’t.

Higher test scores 

Studies have shown that students who use edtech to support their learning tend to perform better on tests than the ones that don’t use it. For example, a study of over 7,000 students found that those who used educational software as part of their instruction scored significantly higher on standardized tests than those who did not use the software.

Improved retention 

Edutech can provide students with interactive and personalized learning experiences, which can help improve the retention of information. A study of college students found that those who used an adaptive learning program to study math concepts retained the information better than those who did not use the program.

Access to resources 

Edtech offers students access to a wealth of digital resources and learning materials, which can enhance their learning experiences. In a study of high school students, those who used online learning resources as part of their instruction had higher grades and were more likely to graduate than those who didn’t.

Enhanced collaboration 

Educational technology can facilitate collaboration and communication among students, which can improve learning outcomes. A study of college students found that those who used a collaborative online learning platform to work on group projects had higher grades than those who worked on projects individually.

7 Factors That Make Edtech Effective

Due to the benefits described above, the use of educational technology is becoming increasingly widespread in education. More and more institutions and educators recognize the benefits it can provide.

But is all edtech effective? Probably not. In fact, there are quite a few important factors that determine its effectiveness:


First of all, effective educational technology should be engaging for students. It should stimulate their curiosity, provide opportunities for exploration, and make learning enjoyable. Only this way it can promote interest in learning and motivate students.


This technology should also be flexible enough. Today, we know that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions in teaching. Therefore, to help students achieve the best results, educational technology must accommodate different learning styles and levels. It should provide students with options to modify their learning experience based on their individual needs.


A recent study by Carnegie Mellon University found that interactive activities make students study 6 times more effectively. That’s why interactivity is a huge trend in education today. And that’s why edutech must be interactive to be effective. It should provide opportunities for students to interact with the material, with each other, and with the instructor. Interactive features can include simulations, discussions, quizzes, and feedback mechanisms.


One of the biggest benefits of edutech is that it makes all students equal, regardless of their abilities. To make this real, it should be accessible to everyone. It should be designed to accommodate students with disabilities and provide options for different modes of learning.


Although technology and different interactive features are great for studying, they won’t work unless students recognize when they make mistakes. Thus, educational technology should always provide immediate and constructive feedback to students. This feedback should be designed to help students understand what they are doing well and what they need to improve.


Effective edtech should be data-driven. Also, It should designed to collect data on student progress and performance, which can used to adjust teaching strategies and improve learning outcomes.


Lastly, the only way to make the most out of educational technology is to use it effectively. That’s why it should be deeply integrated into the curriculum and instructional design. Also, It should used to frequently enhance and support traditional teaching methods. Yet, it shouldn’t attempt to replace them.

The Bottom Line

Educational technology has been around for decades. It always takes different shapes. But it always strives to make education better and improve students’ learning outcomes.

In the 21st century, educational technology is much different from everything we’ve seen before. It has the potential to improve engagement, retention, collaboration, access to resources, and many other aspects of learning. However, to do this, it must be effective.

Now you know what edtech means today, what benefits it holds, and, most importantly, why it’s effective. Use this knowledge to support your own learning and reach the best results!

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