Natural Hair Care Under the Wig

Natural Hair Care Under the Wig

Recently, natural hair care under the wig has been a hot topic that has become increasingly important as more and more people are choosing to wear wigs as a protective hairstyle. Wearing a wig can be a great way to get a different look; but it is important to ensure that your natural hair is well taken care of in this process. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks for keeping hair healthy while wearing wigs. 

1. Prepping Your Hair: Cleansing 

Before putting on a wig, it’s essential to thoroughly cleanse your natural hair; which can help to maintain a healthy scalp and hair environment. In this process, the use of  shampoo plays an important role. Experts recommend shampooing your hair at least once a week to remove dirt, oil; and product buildup that can accumulate over time. However, the frequency of shampooing may vary depending on your scalp’s condition. In addition to the frequency of shampooing, it’s also vital to use the right type of shampoo for your hair type. If your hair is dry or damaged, look for a moisturizing shampoo that contains ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, or coconut oil. If you have an oily scalp, opt for a clarifying shampoo that can help remove excess oil and buildup.

2. Braiding the Wig with Carefulness

Now, it is fashionable to wear wigs. For example, wearing black wigs for black women is  the top choice in our daily life or in some grand parties. However, we need to pay attention to how frequently you braid your hair.  Regular braiding can actually weaken your natural hair fibers if the braids are too tight; leading to damage and breakage over time. To avoid damaging your hair, it’s recommended to limit the frequency of braiding; and to ensure that the braids are not too tight. Tight braids can place excessive tension on your hair strands, causing them to weaken and break. It’s important to find a balance between keeping your hair secure under the wig and preventing damage to your natural hair.

3. Daily Maintenance: Moisturizing

Wearing wigs can often leave your hair feeling dehydrated and fragile. To combat this issue, it’s crucial to maintain healthy hair by keeping it moisturized and nourished. One highly effective way to restore moisture to your hair is by using hair oils, moisturizers, or treatments. Hair oils are an excellent option for adding hydration and nourishment to your hair. They penetrate deeply into the hair shaft, providing essential nutrients and moisture to your hair. Some popular hair oils include argan oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. These oils can be applied to your hair before or after wearing a wig to provide extra moisture and protection.

Natural Hair Care

4. The Importance of the Wig Cap

A good wig cap acts as a protective barrier between your natural hair and the wig and helps to prevent friction and rubbing that can cause breakage, split ends, or even hair loss.  I’ve found that using a silk or satin-lined wig cap is the best choice. The smooth texture of the fabric helps to prevent breakage and keeps the hair moisturized. what’s more, I’ve been using the Silky Smooth Wig Cap from FANCIVIVI. In addition, Wig caps are an affordable and practical solution for anyone who frequently wears wigs or hair extensions. 

5.  Protecting Your Hair and Wig at Night

Taking care of your natural hair is just as important as caring for your wig. At night, it’s essential to remove your wig and give your scalp a gentle massage to promote healthy blood circulation. This can help to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Additionally, it’s recommended to inspect your hair for any signs of damage or breakage and address them accordingly. To protect your hair while sleeping, consider wearing a silk or satin bonnet or wrapping your hair with a silk or satin scarf. These materials help to prevent friction against the pillow, which can cause damage to your hair. Additionally, they help to retain moisture in your hair, which is crucial for maintaining healthy and hydrated hair. When choosing a bonnet or scarf, make sure to select a material that is gentle and non-abrasive to your hair. Silk and satin are excellent options because they are soft and smooth, preventing tangling and breakage. 

Natural Hair Care

6. Regular Wig Breaks and Scalp Care

In the end, don’t forget to give your hair a break from the wig.Whether you wear boxing braided or criss cross braids or other kinds of wigs, wearing them continuously can cause tension on your scalp, leading to hair loss. Therefore, it’s important to give your natural hair a break from wearing a wig. To prevent this, make sure to take off your wig at the end of each day and let your hair breathe and avoid sleeping with your wig on as well. Following this tip can help you to prevent any buildup on your scalp and allows your hair to rest and recover.


Whether you wear boxing braided or crisscross braids, natural hair care plays an important role in wearing wigs. To maintain the health of the hair while wearing a wig, it’s crucial to incorporate regular hair care routines that include moisturizing, cleansing and so on. Additionally, it’s important to be careful of the potential damage that can be caused by tight braiding. so we need to take regular breaks and scalp care. By taking these steps to care for your natural hair, you can confidently wear your wig, ensuring that your hair is healthy and well-protected. If you want to learn more information about the wigs, you can contact FANCIVIVI.

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