5 tips to learn Roman numerals

5 tips to learn Roman numerals

Roman numerals can be termed as the best possible new numerical system which is utilised in the world of mathematics. This system has been derived from ancient Rome and is based upon the combination of letters from the Latin alphabet to represent different kinds of values. Learning of the Roman numerals will always love the students to outline and understand the ancient Roman culture so that they can become cultured human beings perfectly. Here numbers are represented by different kinds of symbols for example L stands for 50, X stands for 10, D stands for 500, M stands for 1000, C stands for 100 and so on.

 Following are the top five tips to be undertaken by the people to thoroughly learn the Roman numerals so that they can utilise them in their daily life as well.

  1. It is very much important for people to understand the symbols perfectly and for this purpose they must be very much clear about the alphabetical representations of the numbers so that they do not have to face any kind of hassle at the later stages. Further, it is very much vital for people to have a complete idea about the mnemonic to memorise the value order of the symbols and if the individuals are having a hard time then they can simply remember a sentence which is My Dear Cat Loves Xtra Vitamins Intensively. Every initial word will stand for the symbol for example M stands for 1000, D stands for 500, C stands for hundred, L stands for 50, X stands for 10, V stands for five and I stands for 1.
  2. The students also need to learn all of the digits in ones place because once they will be having a clear-cut idea about these digits that they can utilise them in the formulation of different kinds of numbers very easily. So, remembering 1-9 is very much important in Roman numerals so that there is no hassle at the later stages. Apart from this, it is also very much important for people to learn all the digits into the tens place for example XC stands for 90, LX stands for 60 and so on.
  3. The students also need to learn all of the digits into hundreds place for example C stands for 100, CC stands for 200, CCC stands for 300, CD stands for 400, D stands for 500, DC stands for 600, DCC stands for 700, DCC stands for 800 and CM will stand for 900. Apart from this, it is also very much important for the students to know that they cannot have more than three of the same symbol in a row and this is the very basic tip to learn Roman numerals perfectly. 
  4. When the individuals will be placing the same symbols together they can simply add their values normally the maximum number of consecutive symbols will be three in the entire range of Roman numerals. Also adding smaller symbol values which are placed after the larger symbol values is important so that values can be added together for example XI will be 11, MCL will be 1150. The students need to subtract the smaller symbol values that are placed before the larger symbols and for this purpose they need to separate the smaller value from the larger one. For example, IV will be 4, CM will be 900 and so on.
  5. The students also need to be very much clear about how the compound numbers will be written and there are several kinds of rules associated with them. Like IV should be used rather than IIII and so on. It is very much important for the students to learn to write the larger numbers so that they can represent the bigger amount is very easily and without any kind of issue.

 Hence, whenever the students will be aware of all the above-mentioned five tips and whenever they will move with proper planning with the help of math experts from the house of Cuemath then there will be no issues with the students because they will be able to successfully write Roman numerals.

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