13 Tips for Beginners to Learn Java in a Simple Way

13 Tips for Beginners to Learn Java in a Simple Way

James Gosling from Sun Microsystems created Java, one of the top object-oriented programming languages, in 1991. It was made accessible to the general public in 1995. Its platform independence and interpreted nature make it one of the greatest programming languages available.

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages. Also, Java used in Win programs, Web applications, mobile apps, network applications, consumer electronics products, and set-top box devices.

Java is used by more than 3 billion devices. Oracle estimates that 5 billion Java Cards are in use. Java the most widely used development platform, with more than 9 million developers choosing to build their code in this language. Many college students find Java a typical language to learn and so it is very difficult for them to get their programming assignment done, at this phase Geeksprogramming helps to get java assignment done. For those who are beginners, here are some of the tips that can help to lean java in a simple way:- 

Handle strings with caution

Every time the “+” operator used to concatenate two Strings in a “for” loop, a new String Object produced. Memory is wasted as a result, and performance times go up. Additionally, avoid using constructors when creating a String Object and instead create it directly.

Stay away from pointless objects

Object Creation is one of Java’s most costly actions (in terms of memory use). Consequently, its advised that objects only created or initialized when necessary. Using the code below, as an illustration, can simplify the matter:

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

public class Employees {

    private List Employees;

    public List getEmployees() {

        //initialize only when required

        if(null == Employees) {

            Employees = new ArrayList();


        return Employees;



ArrayList vs. Array issue

Determining whether to use an Array-type data structure or an ArrayList-type data structure can be challenging for developers. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. The option you choose actually relies on your needs.

While ArrayLists have variable sizes, Arrays have fixed sizes. Since the size of an array fixed, memory allocated when an array type variable declared. Arrays are therefore incredibly quick. On the other hand, ArrayList is preferable if we are unaware of the magnitude of the data. Less data will result in storage space wastage, while more data will result in an ArrayOutOfBoundException.

Comparing ArrayList to Array, ArrayList is significantly simpler to add or remove entries from. Arrays can have several dimensions, however ArrayLists can only have one.

Memory leak prevention with basic techniques

Software performance is typically harmed by memory leaks. Java automatically manages memory, giving developers little control. However, there still some industry norms that may followed to prevent memory leaks.

Java Techniques for Avoiding Deadlocks

There are several reasons why there might be deadlocks. To avoid deadlocks, there is no one magic trick. Deadlocks often happen when one synchronized item is waiting for a lock on resources that another synchronized object has locked.

Java memory must be set aside

Some Java apps might use a lot of RAM and have a high CPU requirement. These programs typically lag because they utilize a lot of RAM. RAM set aside for Java in order to enhance the performance of such programs.

Time operations in Java

Java has two built-in methods for timing operations: System.currentTimeMillis() and System.nanoTime () Which of these should you select, and under what circumstances? Although they both carry out the same task in theory, they diverge in the following ways:

Depending on the system, System.currentTimeMillis can take anywhere from 1/1000th of a second to 15/1000th of a second, whereas System.nanoTime() typically takes approximately 1/1000,000th of a second (1,000 nanos)

Read Operation on System.currentTimeMillis takes a few clock cycles. System.nanoTime(), on the other hand, requires more than 100 clock cycles.

System.currentTimeMillis displays Absolute Time (the number of milliseconds from January 1, 1970, 0:00 (Epoch Time)), but System.nanoTime() may or may not used as a benchmark.

Float or Double as an option

Because of the following, double frequently chosen over a float in the software when accuracy crucial: The majority of processors process Float and Double operations in about the same amount of time. In the same amount of computing time, double delivers far higher precision.

Null Pointer Exceptions

Null Pointer Exceptions occur often in Java. When we try to invoke a method on a Null Object Reference, this error message appears.

Encode in JSON

The format for storing and sharing data is called JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON is a simpler-to-use format than XML. Json is now becoming quite famous on the internet due to its attributes and light weight. A typical data structure may simply transferred across several web pages by encoded in JSON. It is necessary to install a JSON parser before starting to write code.

Simple String Search

Java has a function in its Library called indexOf (). This function returns the location of the requested string’s index when used with a String Object. -1 given if the string cannot found.

Listing content of a directory

This software simply gets an array containing the names of all the subdirectories and files in a folder, traverses the array sequentially, and lists the contents.

Usage of Design Patterns

The greatest software design principles included in developers’ code thanks to design patterns. Additionally, they give global developers access to a single platform. They offer standardized vocabulary, which facilitates developer collaboration and facilitates communication amongst developers.


Java a flexible, object-oriented, class-based programming language with lower implementation dependencies. It is a technological environment where many apps may created. Java is extremely safe, dependable, and quick. Java applications frequently created using it for laptops, data centers, gaming consoles, supercomputers, mobile devices, and many more devices.

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