5 Benefits Of Vibrating Headphones 

5 Benefits Of Vibrating Headphones 

Do you know that it is possible to perceive sound through your bones? Through bone conduction, wireless headphones that vibrate can transmit sound by sending vibrations along your cheekbone and into your cochlea, where the auditory nerve processes it. 

Why Bone Conduction Headphones? 

By resting on your cheekbones, the headphones keep your ear canal unobstructed, enabling sound waves to bypass the eardrum. This innovative approach to music listening allows you to remain aware of ambient sounds without compromising on sound quality or blocking your ear canals. 

Once you experience bone conduction technology, you’ll never want to switch back to traditional in-ear headphones. This method of hearing is akin to how you perceive your own voice when covering your ears. Here are the 5 benefits of vibrating headphones :

Elevated Situational Awareness

Opting to isolate yourself from the external environment may result in missing out on important warning signals such as trains, car horns, and bicycle bells. However, the Audiology Foundation of America has revealed that bone conduction technology is less harmful to the eardrums.

Bone conduction headphones enable you to stay alert to your surroundings, including nearby joggers or cyclists, while also allowing you to listen to music and communicate with your colleagues at work. You can enjoy your own personal audio experience while still being aware of your external environment. 

A more comfortable fit

Do your present earpiece earphones slip out? Do they cause discomfort to your ear canals? Are over-ear headphones too uncomfortable?

Few things are more exasperating than jogging on a treadmill with your right earpiece hanging by the cord because when you begin to perspire, the silly thing won’t stay put. We are of the opinion that the most comfortable method of listening to music is without anything in or on your ears. This feature has earned the design numerous awards. 

Clean and Hygenic

A recent investigation on headphones revealed that in-ear headphone can contain up to 119,186 bacteria types and this number can escalate if you sweat. Bacteria tend to thrive in a moist and warm environment; so it might be worth checking out the hygiene of your headphone. Brace yourself for some startling revelations! Open-ear headphone offer a much cleaner alternative.

Helps remain connected with outside world

In case you prefer not only to boost your workout with music but also desire to converse with your companion; you should consider opting for vibrating headphones. The bone conduction headphones’ design allows you to catch every word from your friend while enjoying your preferred energetic melody.

Moreover, we provide bone conduction headsets that enable you to attend a phone call while simultaneously staying connected to your co-workers and the office environment.

Good for people suffering with Tinnitus

Individuals suffering from tinnitus or ear ringing can benefit from the use of bone conduction headphones. This condition is caused by different factors such as loud noises, hearing loss due to ageing, and specific medications.

As bone conduction headphones do not depend on the eardrums to send sound vibrations; they can be a suitable choice for individuals with tinnitus who find conventional headphones uncomfortable or unproductive. 

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