Cloud Optimization Strategy

Cloud Optimization Strategy

Starting from 2020, the field of cloud tools and services began to grow and develop rapidly. The reason was the introduction of quarantine rules around the world. To survive, businesses began to actively develop online, work on outsourcing and abandon local solutions in favor of the cloud.

Today, cloud technologies play a crucial role in the existence of every medium and large business. And the issue of optimizing the cost of the cloud has become more relevant than ever.

Let’s analyze the problem of increasing cloud costs in more detail.

However, there are 5 signs that a company is overpaying for cloud services. Let’s take a look at each:

Uncontrolled creation of public cloud accounts

Also, If you or your employees do not know how many accounts you can create in the cloud and create them uncontrollably, this is the first sign of inefficient use of cloud resources.

There is no responsible person for cost accounting for cloud services

When you receive a bill, no one can explain what they are responsible for and why the services you pay for are needed.

No one in the company is responsible for the purchase of cloud services

The company does not have an employee responsible for analytics and efficient use of cloud services and disk space.

Although, Most cloud platforms have conditions under which you won’t have to pay for unused disk space. This payment method is called PAYGO (pay as resources are used).

3 reasons why cloud costs are high

Lack of cloud cost management

To affect costs, they must first be measured. Without cloud service analytics, you won’t be able to determine what consumes the most cloud resources and costs the most.

The Natural Growth of Cloud Requirements

Over time, the software and services you use in the cloud will require more disk space and more data processing resources. This is an inevitable process, but we can optimize it with the help of DevOps support services.

Spending on unnecessary cloud services

Cloud services are usually very complex and confusing for their users. Every cloud platform is interested in providing flexible functionality for application scaling. And often only a specialist can understand and correctly configure the cloud configuration, choosing only the functionality that is needed for a particular situation.

5 Ways to Optimize Cloud Costs

Use interruptible virtual machines

Interruptible virtual machines greatly optimize cloud operating costs. maybe terminated at any time within 24 hours. However, These virtual machines are great for big data calculations and test cases.

Savings can be up to 75%.

Use virtual machines with partial kernel usage.

Also, Using the VM core is the most energy-consuming process. Such a virtual machine optimally distributes the load, not allowing the kernel to work at full capacity. This will help you optimally trim or optimize the impressions.

Take advantage of cost optimization services

There is much cloud cost analysis software available. The most basic of these AWS Cost Explorer (Amazon Web Services), GCP Billing (Google Cloud Platform), and Microsoft Azure Cost Management.

The purpose of these platforms is to demonstrate the use of the cloud and optimize costs. Each service has alerts, abnormal cost detection, and cloud cost reduction recommendations.

Using object storage

It allows you to reduce the cost of using disks for storing backup files, audio, video files, and images. Due to its fault-tolerance – Object Storage is suitable instead of creating your own fault-tolerant system by duplicating virtual machines.

Using the Cloud Functions Service

With Cloud Functions, you can run the necessary tasks without using IAAS services. The service allows you to automate the transaction accounting system and the backup system.

The most important stage of cloud optimization is the audit of the current position of the cloud and the correction of existing errors. To do this, we recommend contacting DevOps Consulting Services specialists.

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