Everything you need to know about CBD oil and how to use it

Everything you need to know about CBD oil and how to use it

CBD oil or cannabidiol is just one of the many products extracted from hemp. The CBD oil we are talking about (it is important to underline it) comes from completely legal hemp varieties, as indeed the law on hemp in Italy requires.

Now, if you wonder what the benefits we can derive from it are and the effects of CBD, do not worry: let’s try to explain it to you!

We will then give you some instructions on using and taking CBD oil, with advice on quantity and dosage.

And if you want to buy the best CBD products legally, you should choose a recognized CBD flower shop. It is the best way to enjoy the many CBD benefits fully.

What are the CBD effects?

As we have already seen other times in this blog, cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids present in hemp. It is a substance that can help you in the case of nervous and psychic pathologies, autoimmune diseases, or other minor and chronic problems. If you think you need it, first ask your doctor for an opinion, who has precise knowledge on the world of hemp.

In general, it will be enough for you to take a few drops of CBD oil to achieve noticeable results, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to relieve anxious states due to high stress. In addition, even if you do a lot of sport, CBD oil can be helpful since it helps the muscles in the recovery phase. Finally, and it is news that interests many, CBD oil will also help you in cases of sleep disturbance.

What are these beneficial effects on the body?

Cannabidiol can interact with the receptor cells of the human nervous system, causing relaxing, anticonvulsant, antidystonic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. 

It promotes sleep and is soothing against anxiety and panic. In addition, CBD oil is rich in Omega-3 and 6 and helps regulate metabolism and its physiological processes. 

To date, CBD oil is used by a large audience of consumers and is an increasingly popular product for its effects on overall health. The fact that scientific research promotes the use of this substance and has never shown contraindications also contributes to this result.

How to take it?

But how do you use CBD oil (formulated in drops)? First, you need to choose the percentage of active ingredient (CBD) you want to take. There are oils in drops on the market with 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40% concentrations.

One bottle of oil usually contains 300 drops. It is advisable to start with the lowest percentage of cannabinoids to accustom the body slowly to this substance. It is also preferable to rely on the biological processing of the plant and well-known and certified manufacturing companies.

When you have purchased your package of CBD oil, you will find a handy dropper that will facilitate the dosage. The latter will depend on the concentration of CBD present in the oil.

The absorption of CBD varies significantly from individual to individual, especially relating their weight and build. Therefore, you must know that the quantities are designed for an adult individual of about 60-90 kg.

As already mentioned, it is better to consult a doctor with knowledge of hemp for an opinion on the quantity to be taken; and to keep a diary during use to note the observations on the functions of the body and psyche.

Below we give you some indicative tips for CBD oil dosage; which are purely indicative, based on what you want to achieve.

How to dose CBD oil

For minor problems and if you want prevention and harmonization of body functions:

  • 5 drops of oil 20% in the morning and 5 drops in the evening;
  • 3 drops of oil 30% in the morning and 3 drops in the evening.

If you suffer from tension, stress, anxiety:

  • 3 drops of CBD oil 30% in the morning, 3 drops in the middle of the day, and 3 drops in the evening.

If you still have small problems that you can’t solve, we recommend that you try these dosages:

  • 5 drops of CBD oil 30% in the morning and 5 drops in the evening.
  • When, on the other hand, your health problems are chronic; so they persist over time, or maybe you suffer from various diseases of a moderate entity, the advice is to take:
  • 5 drops of CBD oil 30% in the morning, 5 drops in the middle of the day, and 5 drops in the evening.
  • After a week, 7 drops of CBD oil 30% in the morning; 7 drops in the middle of the day, and 7 drops in the evening.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and it is best to be followed by a doctor who knows hemp and cannabinoids well. But don’t worry because CBD does not cause neurotrophic problems, i.e.; it does not have any adverse effects on the nervous system. Ask a doctor who specializes in cannabinoid treatment for advice.

CBD oil for sleep—it works!

Do you have issues with insomnia and can’t fall asleep at night? Or do you sleep only a couple of hours, wake up, but sleep is lost? You may not know that CBD oil for sleep is a natural cure-all; as it manages to regulate the sleep/wake rhythm very well.

The cannabinoids present in hemp and CBD products you can find at JustBob.net (usually the drops of CBD are used to sleep) can intervene above all on the REM phase of sleep, that of deep sleep.

The mind relaxes, given the calming effects on the neuro-vegetative system and the body. All without the dangerous side effects of sleeping pills; which as psychotropic drugs alter brain chemistry and damage the liver, not to mention the risk of addictions.

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