Flutter Pros and Cons  

Flutter Pros and Cons  

Since its release, Flutter has significantly increased in popularity. It’s a software development kit that helps in cross-platform development. This implies a single codebase and numerous apps.

On Google Play, there are more than 50,000 Flutter apps as of mid-2020. However, Flutter is used by over 500,000 developers each month, and the forums on GitHub and StackOverflow are full of praise for it. In developing cross-platform apps, Flutter establishes itself as a victor and a solid rival to React Native. Despite being such a new framework, Flutter’s popularity has grown dramatically. Here is a comparison of how the number of Flutter-related questions on StackOverflow has grown about its rivals.

According to a 2021 developer poll conducted by Statista, It is the most widely utilized cross-platform mobile framework worldwide. 42% of developers employed Flutter, according to the report. Most mobile developers use native tools, with only about one-third using cross-platform technologies or frameworks.

Let’s first look at the flutter overview before moving on to the benefits and drawbacks of employing Flutter.

What is Flutter?

After introducing the concept of Flutter to the public in May 2017, Google published the first platform version for developers in 2018. The platform’s popularity has increased and become popular in the developer’s community. Over 143K stars have been voted to Flutter on GitHub as of right now.

Google’s Flutter is an SDK for creating dynamic, entertaining cross-platform mobile apps. For Flutter apps, Dart serves as the programming language. Flutter can use a single Dart code base to compile code for both Android and iOS. Also, Its functionality was improved in 2020 and can now be used to develop Flutter desktop and online apps (for macOS). Naturally, beta and alpha testing for these platforms is ongoing.

A special kind of cross-platform utility is Flutter. To connect to features on a device like a camera or Bluetooth, Flutter doesn’t require any intermediary parts. As a result, performance improves, and the user experience is enhanced. 

You can construct unique app layouts because of Flutter’s strong suit. It does not incorporate web view components into its apps; instead, it compiles native code. However, it uses its user interface elements as opposed to those that are platform-specific, such as UIView in iOS or Fragments and ViewGroups in Android. Additionally, Flutter’s user interface components support Material Design and Material Theming. Therefore, developers do not need to search for external widgets that make it easy and quick to establish external interfaces. You can hire a flutter developer to create a robust application by leveraging the benefits offered by Flutter. 

Now that you are clear about Flutter let’s understand are pros and cons of using Flutter in your tech stack. 

Advantages of using Flutter

Over its rivals, Flutter has a variety of benefits. Because of these benefits, Flutter can address issues and drawbacks that other technologies cannot handle. These benefits built into the programming language and a collection of development tools.

Pros of using Flutter

Let’s now consider the advantage of using Flutter


There are difficulties in bringing programming languages to a uniform standard, and the functionality of different versions varies. Additionally, it might be very challenging for many engineers to understand these differences. But the Dart programming language designed from the ground up as a tool for building client apps, streamlined and suited for UI development.

This language’s advantages include:

  • No standards that are similar exist;
  • None of the developer community’s language tools are being imposed;
  • Many programming languages don’t have weird quirks by nature;
  • A collection of design patterns that are not at all compatible;
  • Last but not least, the usual functionality and tools are sufficient and do not require the addition of another tool disaster.

Dart is superior to many other tools for cross-platform development in that it has a clear and highly powerful syntax that creates the ideal conditions for assuring consistency of developers working collaboratively, robustness, low maintenance requirements, bringing to global norms, and much more. It’s simple to convert to Dart and begin using it immediately if you’ve already worked with well-known programming languages like C#, Java, and TypeScript.

Rise in popularity

In Stack Overflow and GitHub, Flutter has performed better than React Native. More skilled developers who are prepared to work on your software are available here, along with a robust supply of training tools. And all of this is happening while the technology is advancing quickly and maintaining its usefulness for a more extended period than other technologies that, for the most part, stayed at their previous level for a long time. 

Performance and durability

Flutter apps are rapid and high-performance because they are turned into machine code utilizing the visual effects and simulation engine integrated into C/C++. On most devices, they can steadily produce 60 frames per second. On those that support Flutter, they can deliver up to 120 fps—compared to alternative cross-platform technologies, using Its results in a more observable gain in productivity. This was a critical motivation for many mobile app developers to switch to Flutter. We are discussing cross-platform technologies, where Flutter has a definite advantage over its rivals in efficiency and graphics, whereas reaching such superiority while designing native apps is unfeasible.

Modest learning curve

Detailed documentation and a wealth of examples were readily available, contributing to Flutter’s rapid rise in popularity among developers and its high productivity. Furthermore, this is crucial for professionals who want to master a new platform, set of tools, or language. And experienced programmers who already aware of these and can spot mistakes in the toolkit or the language’s design should pay particular attention to this. As soon as they learn that the new technology has inadequate information or examples of how to solve simple problems conflict with one another, they quickly lose faith in it.

A single user interface layout

For iOS and Android mobile apps, Flutter makes fantastic UI designs possible. You can create just one user interface design and utilize it for both platforms using a single code base. You’ll save time and money by doing this instead of hiring a developer. The cross-platform app typically adheres to the principles of Material Design, with minor adjustments for other platforms (which Flutter typically handles on its own) or by creating a unique user experience with elements based on the best techniques in iOS and Android.

Strong community

The dynamic and quickly expanding community is another essential advantage of the SDK. Support for consumers and developers is first-rate from Google and its supporters. The essential duties of mobile development implemented in Flutter using many actual instances and examples and structured documentation. You can exchange knowledge and obtain all the necessary information on their official website.

Cons of using Flutter

Flutter is one example of how there are never any perfect solutions. Listed below are a few factors why It might not be the ideal technology for a specific app.

A small number of libraries and tools

A new framework for creating cross-platform apps is called Flutter. Numerous Flutter features are still under alpha and beta testing and could occasionally have issues. Additionally, because the platform is still being finished, you sometimes can’t find the essential functions in the library as it is. The community building, functionality expansion, and development of Flutter will take some time.

Large file size

Modern customers don’t want to give up their current song or activity in favor of the newest application. Hence one of the critical responsibilities of the developers is to make the application as tiny as possible. Programmers employ a variety of techniques to reduce the size of their code. For example, they avoid animations, use fewer graphics, and use the most irregular packages and libraries. The framework displays poor results. App size on Flutter is 4 MB, but only 500 KB on other platforms. It’s possible that Google will address this flaw, but not right away.

Password managers aren’t supported.

The disadvantages of using custom widgets over native ones. For instance, using specific iOS and Android functions can be problematic. Autocomplete input fields in Flutter applications are currently tricky. This is particularly obvious if you need to execute password extraction from integrated or external password managers.


The benefits and drawbacks of Flutter for development and business teams are numerous. You may hire dedicated developers to create cross-platform apps that meet your specific needs and are stable, strong, and high performing. Flutter is a viable option to take into consideration because it is less expensive than engaging two native engineers to create a cross-platform application.

Author Bio

Ronak Patel

Ronak Patel is a CEO and Founder of Aglowid IT Solutions, an ever-emerging Top Web and Mobile Development company with a motto of turning clients into successful businesses. He believes that Client’s success is company’s success and so that he always makes sure that Aglowid helps their client’s business to reach to its true potential with the help of his best team with the standard development process he set up for the company.

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