How To Know Other’s Facebook Accounts Within Minutes

How To Know Other’s Facebook Accounts Within Minutes

Facebook accounts are hacked to find hidden Facebook information (including Facebook messages, likes, or search history) about any person. People may need to hack their spouse’s Facebook account to check their locality or hack the Facebook account of their kids to know what they are doing on Facebook. 

Whatever the purpose is, hacking a Facebook account is not an easy task. But don’t need to worry, we have to describe the easiest ways by using which you can easily hack the Facebook account of anyone without putting in much effort and time. 

Hack Facebook account by using a hacking application 

Spylix- the best Facebook hacking app 

Whenever you need a social media hacking application that works instantly without wasting your time then Spylix is the best option on which you can rely. It is one of the most powerful tools that are compatible with all types of Android and IOS devices to meet the needs and demands.

Spylix provides all types of monitoring that you want to know about your boyfriend’s Facebook messages without his phone or what your child is doing on Facebook for free. 

Whenever you need to hack someone’s Facebook account then your preference is to access their inbox and find all of their messages instantly. Spylix does not only provide you access to the target Facebook account inbox but also uploads all of the messages to your dashboard. 

Features of Spylix 

Spylix is considered one of the most reliable methods that a person can use to hack anyone’s Facebook account without wasting time. It provides the following features to its users :

  • Work secretly

Spylix works in the background and did not occupy much space so the target person will never ever be able to know that you are spying on his or her Facebook account. After setting up it also does not send any type of ads or notifications to the user. 

  • Work remotely 

Spylix is designed to work remotely which means that to monitor your target person’s Facebook account you don’t need to be close to the target mobile phone. 

  • Keylogger feature 

Spylix also provides a keylogger feature to the users by using which you will be able to find all the keystrokes that your target person has pressed on his or her device keyboard. By getting the keylogger information you can easily find out your target person’s Facebook login password. 

  • Compatibility with iOS and Android 

Spylix is compatible with all versions of Android and iOS devices. So whether your target person uses an Android or iOS device you can easily monitor his or her Facebook account without putting in much effort and time. 

How to hack a Facebook account within minutes in 3 steps?

Hacking a Facebook account is not a difficult task if you have the right techniques and tools in your hand. Spylix is designed to provide instant results on your dashboard without wasting your time. Additionally, you just have to follow 3 simple steps to hack any type of Facebook account. A brief description of steps is given below: 

Hack Facebook account by using a hacking application 

Step 1. Registration

Firstly you have to register yourself for a Spylix account. To do so, enter your email ID and then enter a password to get a free Spylix account. 

Step 2. Selection of target device

After registering yourself you have to choose your target device whether it is an Android or iOS device. Then by using the webpage instructions set it up. 

Step 3. Monitoring

After setting up the Spylix application on the target mobile phone, proceed to monitor their Facebook account.

Note: if your target device is an Android device then you have to use your target iCloud credentials to proceed. 


  • Once set up you can get all the real-time updates about your target Facebook account
  • It is a free process you don’t have to pay any charges
  • It is easy to use and you don’t need any special skills or knowledge to hack someone’s Facebook account. 


  • You need to set up the app on your target person’s device. 

Other methods 

By using website cookies

You can use the website cookies of your target person to hack his or her Facebook account. Cookies are special files that contain information about your target surfing. 

To hack a Facebook account by using cookies you and the target person must be connected to the same internet network. An extension app is needed on your mobile phone to store the cookies of your target person. After getting the cookies you can tell Facebook that you are the authentic user and get access to someone’s Facebook account. 


  • Cookies take very fewer resources and space
  • It is common as cookies are available free


  • To get and store the cookies of your target person you need an extension app
  • This process does not provide a huge area to spy on anyone’s Facebook account as all the Facebook details cannot be accessed by using cookies. 
  • Storing cookies is considered an invasion as cookies can be used for illegal purposes
  • All the cookies can not be stored 
  • This process need professional knowledge and skills 

By using Facebook forgot password feature

Facebook provides a forget password restoration feature to its users so they can easily recover their Facebook password if they forget it. By using this method you will be able to change the Facebook password of the target person and then you can easily access his or her Facebook account. 

To hack someone’s Facebook account by using this process first you need to find out the email address on which the target person has created their Facebook account.  If you don’t find the target email address then you can use the recovery email address option to try another email address. 

Provide another email address and then answer the question that will be asked. By using the recovered password you can get login into your target Facebook account. 


  • It is a free method
  • You don’t need to install any other application


  • Your target person will easily find suspicious activity because of changing the Facebook password.
  • This is not a reliable method and you may fail in the end.
  • If you don’t provide answers to the recovery questions then all will be wasted.

Ending Remarks 

Whether you want to keep an eye on your kid’s Facebook account; or want to check the loyalty of your partner hacking a Facebook account is helpful. When we are concerned about a reliable method then the Spylix app is the best choice. It works remotely in background mode to provide you with all the information on your dashboard without putting in much effort and time. 

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