Categories: Science

Top 10 Tips for a Student

Best Study Tips For a Student are Don’t rush to throw out your notes after you finish the course, Clearly understand the value of your notes etc…


Today I decided to play with my student life memory and recall the wildest and most ineffective actions I took while I was a student. To analyze the process of learning. Pull out the most valuable moments from my memory.

Consolidate all that mush into tips and give a great deal of value to readers.

I can’t say I was a good student. Like all students, I could skip classes, not write or do my homework, and pay someone to write my paper. I can’t say I did everything right and did everything wrong. But I remember my college days for the rest of my life.

So why am I remembering all this? – If you follow the advice, you might avoid many of my mistakes.

Our physicist used to say the following: “You don’t learn from your mistakes. You don’t learn from someone else’s.” Whoever can figure out what he meant by that, I’ll give him a seven-digit message board as a gift.

So let’s start Top tips for a student:

10. The basic rule of the student – before the 2nd year you work for the credit, after – the credit works for you. Basic effort in the beginning – then it really only gets easier.

9. Do your research work. Very useful and at the same time will raise your student status a lot.

8. Make each trip to the Institute interesting for yourself, each lecture informative. If education for you is torture, for a tick, it is better to give up. My personal opinion.

7. Also, Have a clear idea of why you study. Motivation and a clear vision of the goal are not as secondary things as they may seem.

6. Philosophical advice. On the exam, don’t be nervous and don’t freak out. All of your studying on the scale of the universe is a speck of dust. Think about it.

5. During a crucial midterm, don’t help anyone unless you’re 100% sure you’ve done your job completely. It sounds selfish, but it works. Understand – everyone has a life. And helping a comrade is fine, but don’t forget one simple thing – you’re learning for yourself first and foremost.

4. Don’t give your lectures to anyone at home. :. Do not be a miser, just put it in the principle, because I’ve seen many times how people lose a lot of time to restore the missing lectures, some manage to ruin the relationship because of what they note. It’s the most important Tips for a Student.

3. Make sleep a top priority. I did not understand this before, but now I began to understand it quite clearly. Don’t study at night at the expense of sleep. Without sleep, your efficiency is greatly reduced.

2. Before you take your diploma to the head of the department for signature, be sure to find out what he is looking at and what he is clinging to. So I recklessly took the diploma for signature, and in the most popular place I found a mistake – the formulas were not deciphering. I had to unstaple the entire diploma and re-staple. I am silent about the fact that all the numbers are wrong :).

1. Don’t turn on your pride when it comes to grades. That’s how I lost my advanced scholarship. The same physicist offered me to come back next time and normally tell a 5, I proudly refused, saying put a 4, because an hour of extra questions knocked all the motivation to retake.

Tips for a Student for Good luck in your studies.

One of the key concepts of learning is notes. In this world, all ways of visiting lectures, lines of preparation for exams, all that have a direct relation to your knowledge converge.

For those who fell from the moon – under the concept of notes I personally understand the records which the student makes for himself, so as to combine all the knowledge received during the lectures.

In the presence of the synopsis, there is no need to use a huge amount of literature. Using an abstract to find lectures that need to repeat or learn for the exam is not a problem.

I will try to remember everything about outlines and pour it into a single list of useful tips:

Tip 1)

Don’t write outlines by dictation exactly repeating what the instructor says. Conscious students first comprehend the information received – then, the most important points are reflected in the outline. This way unnecessary work is cut off, the knowledge is better laid in the brain, and systematic thinking is formed, which I wrote about in the first article.

Tip 2)

Clearly understand the value of your notes – treat them with care. Don’t lose them! Also, Don’t use them as a tea coaster. Don’t give them to irresponsible classmates you don’t trust. An important Tips for a Student.

Tip 3)

Take notes. Highlights. Underlines. Write neatly. An outline must meet the requirements, not only informative content but also accessibility – the convenience of reading and perception. The system of note-taking again depends on your system of perception. Keep it in a way that is convenient for you.

Tip 4)

Don’t save on stationery for your notes. Wherever, but in the stationery, prices are not too impressive. Also, Realize the high importance of notes – you should clearly realize the importance of everything related to them. Comfortable notebooks with a good cover and good paper. Quality handwritten supplies. Nobody recommends exclusively for dollars, but let yourself buy a pen within 50 rubles. And another piece of advice – buy a few pens. And even better complement the kit with everything you might need to take notes – ruler, pencil, eraser, putty, colored pens, and felt-tip pens.

Tip 5)

Don’t rush to throw out your notes after you finish the course. Even when they tell you at work: “Forget everything you were taught in high school,” you will still someday need to look at the notes and remember something really important.


I hope my advice and Tips for a Student will be helpful.

Thank you all.

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