Best Travel Tips for Esports Fanatics Until the End of 2022

Best Travel Tips for Esports Fanatics Until the End of 2022

Esports tournaments are spectacular and watching them live, while sitting in a huge arena, is an amazing experience. They also provide numerous betting opportunities that you can take advantage of much better if you’re seeing the action with your own eyes. Here are Best Travel Tips for Esports.

Broadcasters will often show you what’s going on with a certain delay, which can be anywhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. But when you’re in the arena, there is no delay and you can often react more quickly than the bookmakers.

That aside, when you go to watch a tournament, you need to plan ahead of time where you’ll stay, for how many days, what you’ll travel with and so on. But the first step is knowing the parameters of the tournament. If you know the dates, the location, how many days it will last, and maybe even the ticket price, you’ll be much better prepared.

The Big Esports Events That Are Left to Be Played in 2022

These are the biggest esports events that you can still watch in 2022:

VTC 2022: Game Changers Championship – Berlin

This is a huge Valorant tournament that will take place in Berlin between November 15th – 20th. That’s a one week vacation if you want to see the whole event, although the organizers might offer the public tickets for just the last 2-3 days.

Game Changers Championship will be a lot of fun to watch if you love Valorant, play the game regularly, and want to see some of the world’s best teams in action. Because it takes place in Germany, any esports enthusiast who lives in Europe will be able to travel there with ease. And if you live in Western Europe, this will only take a few hours.

VTC 2022: Game Changers championship will feature 8 teams. For those who enjoy Valorant betting, this will be one of the best opportunities of the year.

The International 11 – Singapore

The International is Dota 2’s World Championship. The tournament lasts for 16 days and takes place between October 15th – 30th. It will also be preceded by the Last Chance Qualifier, which takes place between October 8th – 12th. The qualifier features 12 teams while The International features 20 teams.

This will be the biggest edition of the TI since the start of the series, in 2011. The duration and the number of teams are both impressive relative to what Valve has done before. And although the prize pool will be a bit smaller than usual (probably around $15-20 million), the action will be just as fun to watch as it was in previous years.

The location of The International 2022 will be in Singapore, so if you want to see the event with your own eyes, you should make a decision as soon as possible.

The ticket for one day during the Playoffs costs $64. However, if you want to watch the last 2 days, it will cost $360 for both days combined. It’s not cheap, but it will give you a taste of The International and its epic Grand Finals.

LoL Worlds 2022 – United States (Mexico City, New York, Atlanta, San Francisco)

The League of Legends World Championship is even bigger than The International. It features 24 teams and takes place in 4 locations: Mexico City, New York, Atlanta, and San Francisco. 

The early stages of the tournament take place in Mexico City. But as soon as the Play-In Round 1 and Play-In Round 2 end, the location is moved to New York, then to Atlanta (Semifinals), and then, lastly, to San Francisco (Grand Final). 

No doubt, many people will only travel to see the Grand Final. But if you would love to see some of the other big cities in which the action takes place, you can travel there and you’ll pay considerably less for the tickets. Expect a price between $60 and $90, depending on your chosen seats. If you’re a LoL fan, you’ve probably already spent a lot more than that on the game.

Worlds provides a mesmerizing experience, not just because you get to see legendary players like T1’s Faker and Rogue’s Odoamne, but also because Riot Games, like other large gaming companies, likes to spoil its audience. There’s always something spectacular to be seen. Both the visual effects and the music are quite epic and anyone who has been to one of these events was deeply impressed by the show.


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IEM Rio Major – Rio de Janeiro

Intel Extreme Masters Rio Major 2022 will be the biggest CS:GO event of the year. With $1 million in prizes and 24 participants, this tournament will undoubtedly be a memorable one.

IEM Rio Major takes place between October 31st – November 13th. The location is Rio de Janeiro. If you’ve ever wanted to see Brazil, now it’s the perfect time to travel there and learn more about the country.

ESL, the organizer of IEM Rio Major, has decided to do something that rarely happens in CS:GO. They announced that the whole event will be available to the public, not just the Playoffs. Usually, Majors Travel Tips always had 2 stages that were played behind closed doors and one that was played in front of an audience.

This time, the entire event will be played with a live audience and it will probably make the teams feel a lot more pressure or a lot more excitement, depending on their mentality.

Brazil is located in South America, so if you’re from Europe, it’s a long way to go. For people located in South America and North America, traveling to see the tournament will be much easier.

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Travel Tips

If you want to travel Tips to any of the tournaments presented in this article, you shouldn’t wait until the last minute. Tickets are usually sold very quickly and plane tickets cost significantly more if you don’t buy them in advance.

As always, it’s great if you can take someone with you. Traveling alone is much harder and much riskier than traveling with a group of people. If you have friends, tell them to join you.

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